This season for the first time we were split into seperate divisions, both at the D level, but still had a number of Schlidaveur events during the season. There was really quite a bit of cross play between the divisions so it was really a transparent change. This did allow for both teams to make a nice playoff run, without having to play each other and possibly eliminate one of the teams.
Anyway we set off with high expectations, given past sucess and even added a few new faces to our humble band of skaters.

The next 'daveur came courtesy of GM Roman Kurin and was dubbed Reversedaveur. Things seemed to come around, despite ourselves, and both teams saw some success. This season also marked the begining of an interesting development with our Russian friends and their other team the Sitniks. We would watch them with interest as the season ended...
'daveur number five was another memorable team on team night with Jim Sullivan playing keeper for the victors! A few more bumps in the road, positve and negative and that would leave the Finaldaveur to wrap up the short summer season.
Both teams would start the playoffs strong. Zombies beat the 'suckas, and the Schlitz beat the Call. The Cads would continue to roll, but the Suds stumbled in game two against the Scapegoats. (we'd hear from them later too...). The Cadavers would win again and make their way to thier Championship game against El Tigre. That one didn't end the way we wanted, but the Schlitz still had hope thanks to a win against the Blues, and some help from the Sitniks.
That meant a Championship Game rematch with the 'goats. That one ended with the desired result. A nice way to finish out the season. Well played one and all.

Attached you will find end of season total stats, team statistics, and then a whole batch of Playoff numbers from this season.
Take a gander at that line from Scoring Champion Nelson Sharfman. That would be 26 points on 12 goals, 14 assists, in... get this 14 games played. Wow. Talk about production. Jim Sullivan is the only other player in the neighborhood with four less points in 3 more games played. Jim finsihed 3rd , statistically the head of a group of 3 players (Roman, and Larry) that finished with 22 points. Kevin Parker was second with 25 just falling short of the title. Everyone in this group of top five had an excellent season. Great work everyone.
Time to give out some Awards
Time to give out some Awards

Rookie of the Year: Mark Reynolds. Mark was the new addition this summer and instantly became a producer as a member of the Duxbury Duo when teamed with Pete Capraro on the ice. Mark played great for a guy who had been inactive for a few years before lacing them up again. Mark finished with 19 points on 17 games played, good for 6th place in the scoring. Mark was also a key organizer for the Hockey at the Beach event which went off without a hitch. Good job. Nice to have you aboard Mark.

Great work everyone... I have to post this before the winter season is half over so that will be all from here. Please feel free to comment or add any tid-bits parking lot or otherwise to the comments section. Really... please comment.... thanks.
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