Sunday June 1
Canton 10:20pm
10-1 loss.
Wow. Another stinker, but this time at the hands of an opponent we know so well. By all accounts this one was a true trainwreck. Looks like the Freeze has done some considerable upgrading in the offseason. A fresh looking set of Uniforms and some considerably decent looking talent upgrades wearing those new sweaters. They had a number of guys who could produce... and apparently did.
Not much on the glory side for the Cads. They open the season 0-2 and 21-3 goals against vs scored. Yeeesh. This one ended with a scene, and Miss Lizzy letting the frustration get to her as she completed thermonuclear meltdown in the waning seconds. But, alas the Blogger was not in attendance. That being said... I'll now turn it over to a pair of Sharp Guest Bloggers...
First up Doctor M. Jasse will make the rounds and brief you on the debacle.
There was a moment in Apollo 13 when Ed Harris’ character, Director of Flight Operations Gene Krantz, after hearing a litany of issues (lack of oxygen, surplus of carbon dioxide, broken heat shield) had to look at in another way;
“Let’s look at this in terms of status. What do we have on the spacecraft that’s good?”
To that end, we had a respectable 4th period.
They had the usual suspects: hard skating #8 and girly girl #9 (whatever you do don’t get near me b/c I’m special) but they had some additions that could lift this team out of the bottom feeder status of D league. #’s 11, 92 and 94 all could play and all figured in the scoring.
For the CADs:
Josh centered Chuck and Jasse while Roman centered Gregson and Pounds.
DWH, Parker, George and Elliot were the D and our gal Lizzy in between the pipes.
Things started out well as we took it to them the first part of the 1st. Josh ended up scoring nothing short of a brilliant goal after DWH crisp pass from the D zone sent him on a breakaway where he would have drawn a penalty (is there a mauling infraction?) but he ended up scoring from his backside right before he went crashing into the boards. Truly, a Sports Center Top 10 highlight.
Jasse was awarded a penalty shot after getting slashed on the wrist at the tail end of a breakaway. The good Dr. unfortunately added to his breakaway futility by going wide on the penalty shot making him an unofficial 0 for 19 on breakaways/PS in his NESHL career. The horror.
We stayed w/ them for a bit then a turnover in our D zone led to a goal that Ken Dryden couldn’t have stopped.
Then the floodgates opened and opened wide.
To take a line from Dennis Miller’s act: "We got stomped like a narc at a biker rally."
We couldn’t get it out of our zone and when we did we generated nary an offensive opportunity (until maybe the 3rd when we were all playing with a simmering rage).
George had 2 roughing minors (one he came with/in a 3 foot radius of girly #9)
Kevin had a roughing with #11 after #11 dropped in directly from B league and ringed one of the crossbar in the 3rd. Kevin, with eyes as wide as saucers and dripping with sarcasm asked,
“Gee wiz, can you sign my puck?”.
Things got a little testy before the two combatants were in the box b/c the typically mild mannered Doc Jasse questioned the fighting ability of the Freeze's #11 and then proceed to get into a spat with #8. The verbal gymnastics ended when Jasse, with a tip of the zinger cap to Jeff Fosdick, questioned #8 why he had ‘cock breath’.
Scott Pounds had a run in with the Freeze’s keeper (apparently, Billy Smith came out of retirement to chip a few more ankles).
The game ended with Lizzy going ballistic on #9 and having to be restrained by her mates.
Beer Gods: Jasse, IJosh, Scotty Pounds with the Mike’s Hard Lemon
Oh...boy. Nice work on the recap Doc. Lets hear from another regular... iJosh with another Guest Blog.
Things Heat Up with the Freeze.
I would like to say that things were all good at good ol Canton. But I would be lying. So the night started tough with only 7 skaters in the locker room as the zamboni hit the ice. DWH would show with enough time to dress before the game would begin, leaving us with a strong 8 to start. On D were: George, DWH and Matt Elliott. Playing forward was: Jassman, iJosh, Scott, Roman and Chuck.

Later in the period the Freeze would tie it up and then with only seconds left in the 1st period net another one to make it 2-1 after 1.
Entering the 2nd period it was obvious that the Dead had to work smarter and harder else it the team would be six feet under before too long.
Once again Hammitt, I mean Campbell, I mean George would exit the game while taking a Frozen Opponent with him. This time #8. Both for roughing. Jasse later got hit with a good lead pass and headed on a breakaway. He would be slashed from behind and awarded a penalty shot.
Starting at center ice, Jasse would pick up the puck and head toward the goal, he deked twice and made his shot as it went wide left. Fast forwarding to the end of the 2nd it was deja vous again as the Freeze would score with less than a second left on the clock. So the 2nd would end with the Freeze leading 6-1 (yes I said we are fast forwarding because it was just too damned horrible).
Now things would heat up. George had already gotten to some of the players in black and blue. But this time it would be Parker who would scuffle with an opponent and leave the ice with matching minors. As the Freeze piled up goals with for more in the 3rd, including a natural hat trick by #11, the resident chick on the Freeze had some not so kind words for Lizzie. This prompted Liz to start yelling back at her. Just before the puck dropped, Liz skated toward the girl, but stopped as play resumed. Once the game ended, Lizzie went into a verbal assault of Mrs. Freeze and then dropped the gloves and headed to the Freeze bench.
George screamed at Gregson to stop her, but she was already past him.
Luckily someone got to her just as she got to the bench, but that did not stop the colorful language flowing from the mouth of sweet little Lizzie. This would be followed by someone in the balcony (I can only assume it was her dad) screaming at the team from his high perch.
So the end result was a 10-1 loss (according to the scoresheet, but I don't remember that many goals) and a night to talk about.
Lizzie would calm down in the 4th period with a few beers as we at least beat them there. Beverages provided by Dr. Pounds, iJosh and Jasse.
Ok. So that sounds like an interesting evening. I really only have this to say....

We get a group Cooning on that one. Yep. The Coon of Shame makes a comeback and is decked out in his full Cadavers jersey (and goalie equipment) and is chuckling to himself today. We certainly didn't coverourselves in glory on that one.
Regardless... we may not have won the game with a stacked squad given the talent. It remains to be seen wether they play with these guys for a whole season... and you know we'll be seeing them again... probably more than twice... so we'll need to take some notes and be prepared for the next time we go up against the Freeze. Be aware...
Don't forget its Campbelldavuertime tomorrow night... EARLY! I'll post the rosters this afternoon.
1 comment:
First, I would like to say that everyone played good despite some of the disadvantages we were given. The other team was dirty and seemed to get worse towards the end of the game. The score did not reflect the efforts of our team. The reason that I went after #9 is because she head hunted me and hit me right on the cage in the last 10 seconds, which is totally inappropriate. This is the reason I went after her because it was deliberate. While we did have words during the game, it was only after she skated over to me and in second period and said something. She initiated it for no reason. I have never played against a poorer sport or lesser opponent in my whole life, and I never felt the need to fight in the league before but this was exception.
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