Thursday August 21
BU 10:10pm
6-0 Win
This one turned out a well as we could have hoped for and set the Suds off in the right direction with momentum for the playoffs. Larry scrambled to patch some holes left by some drop outs and switches this week but the Suds showed up in good form and fielded a cozy 11 skaters against an understaffed Last Call club who went with only 7 guys. Things looked good from the outset for the Suds given the numbers and the game would really hold no surprises.

The Suds roster was this.
Brian Carey in net. D pairings of Marc Valenti and Mike Hammit, then Dan (DWH) Herbert and Jeff Fosdick. The Offense went with a first line of Larry, Parker, and Reynolds (which was impressive all night), then Matvey, Chuck, and Gregson, with Blake Underhill thrown in there somewhere.
There was one penalty in the game, a first period call on Parker but that was it. Other than that the only thing I have to report on is the scoring. The game did not provide much drama or mystery, from pretty much the first shift to the last the Gold spent the night in the Call's end taking shots, making passes, and cycling. The Call got a few chances in, mostly on defensive breakdowns (Fosdick) but Brian was all over anything that got near him.
DWH led the way about halfway through the first with a Thunderous Slapper that went through some traffic into the net for the lead. Later in the first Jeff Fosdick would pick up a puck in the neutral zone that was freed up by Blake and Matvey, and took it all the way down and fired a nice shot glove side that beat the keeper for a 2-0 lead.

The Gold kept after it, after easing off the gas just a little, and continued to get shots. This would have been a great game for shot totals because the totals would have been about 57 to 6.
It was really nice to see the team move the puck, make nice passes and get good chances all the way along. DWH was heard saying during this period at the end of a shift " I think I just got passed to at the point more times in that shift than I have all season!" True.
The third saw Rookie of the Year Standout Mark Reynolds put in a very nice shot of his own, after racing up the left side on his own and beating his man and the keep. Not to be out-done Larry capped the night with another tally (from Reynolds) and that was how this one would go down in the books. A big fat blowout win for the Suds 6-0.
Game Stars
3rd Star: Mark Reynolds with a couple of nice gaols and a helper. R.O.Y. standout indeed.
2nd Star: Larry Bell for 2 goals and a helper leading the way like the Captain should.
1st Star: Badass Brian Carey with the Playoff Shutout Shutdown.

Honorable Mention 2: Blake Underhill with a 2 assist night and some good work out there.
Honorable Mention 3: Our Gal Lizzy for showing up to watch the team and hanging in the lot afterward. Nice to see you girl!
Honorable Mention 4: Dan Gregson for the Uber Cool "Abide" tee-shirt.
So the first week of the Playoffs in the books and the 'daveurs are looking "so far- so good" with a nice 2-0 record. Both teams played great... keep up the good work.
So Monday the Cadavers play the Shock, and Thursday The Schlitz play the Scapegoats. Lets hope we can have another successful week!
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