Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Suds fall in Championship to Shock

Schlitz 3-1 vs Shock 3-0
Tuesday September 29
UMass Boston 8:10pm

Championship Game Islanders Division

Shock 2
Schlitz 1

Season over.

The Schlitz, courtesy of a wild and improbable win on Monday night, gained a berth inn last night’s Championship Game against the Shock at the Prison By the Bay. The Shock, a much improved group showed up in legion, eighteen guys for the much anticipated tilt that could bring them their first division championship as a club

The Schiltz were not so thick in numbers. The crew from the Monday night spectacle was thinned by not only injury (Howard and his patella) but from the rest of life’s commitments that left the Gold with only 9 skaters out of the ENTIRE ROSTER that could conceivably make the game. Poor Neil Shah, who took an earlier flight back to town to make the game, had never played at Umalcatraz and spent some confused time int the parking lot before making the game. He didn’t get to the bench, to make 9, until the first period was in its final minutes.

That’s right. Championship Game, everything on the line, and the Golden Beercans skated a hearty and heady 8 players to battle the Shock Juggernaut. They had guys falling off the bench they had so many. It was noted that even though they had so many, the D that really mattered for them, Number 43, and 53 seemed to spend every other shift on the ice, at the very least. Also interesting to the Blogger is that again, 43 doesn’t appear on the roster on the scoresheet, just like when the Cads played these guys in the first round. Just interesting is all I’m sayin.

Lets get back to the hearty few that made it happen for the Gold.
Matty CEO BMF Kilroy in the pipes
D: George, Mark, and Jeff
O1: Nelson, Larry, Steve
O2: KenMitch, Neil, and Kevin Parker

Just for reference sake friends let me pass these items along. Mark Reynolds changed work travel plans to be able to play. Neil changed work travel plans so he could be back in time for the game. Kilroy cancelled a planned evening with his wife’s friends. Jeff scrambled for a sitter and worked it out (not to much success) with the Mrs. to make it, despite her plans. We only had 9 guys for a game that… well, meant quite a bit. To use a cliche we’ve heard before… I’m not bitchin’… I’m just sayin’.

That being said. The Gold played great against the well rested Shock. Not quite as many sparkling moments as the night before, but really there were long periods of time that the Beercans have every right to be very proud of.
We played smart, and tough and kept the Shock from just inundating our end. A major part of the Shock’s success has been their very young, very talented goalkeeper and he would serve his roll very well keeping the puck out of the net on many occasions when it seemed impossible for him to do so. He had just a sick game. Larry was flat out robbed on the doorstep a minimum of two times during the night. Parker, Nelson, Jeff all would have solid chances that somehow he would end up with.

The first period was a sort of controlled chaos on the Gold bench, just trying to make some changes and not let anyone get too tired until Neil could get dressed. The game was scoreless for a long time. Ken Goldenberg would take the game’s first penalty, a rough(thug), and was followed by George not too long after for a check. The Gold did a nice job keeping the Shock at bay and keeping it even.

The Shock would get the inevitable break and pop one home past Matt before the first would end. This goal was punctuated by 52 barrelling like a train through the slot, making his shot (wicked) and smashing through Mark Reynolds just for good measure as it went in.

The Gold didn’t back down and our typical 2nd period let down wasn’t as dramatic as it could have been. There was plenty of courage and effort in the tired faces on the Beercan bench, but everyone played strong and stuck with the game and kept it tight. The Shock would extend their lead when one of their faster forwards rushed up the left side staying outside of Jeff who was backtracking (slowly) as the play came into our zone. Their guy stayed outside and then fired a laser that found the top left corner over Matt’s shoulder. Just for reference sake the dude was on the move and below and outside the faceoff dot in our end. A good shot for sure. Despite being down 2 the Gold continued to grind. They kept generating chances against the goalie that would not be beaten

The third period saw the Gold gain some as they crawled and clawed their way back into the game. Nelson and Larry would hook up on a classic hard work goal, keeping the play in the zone Larry swung around the back of the net and hit Nelson who was parked out front and he banged it home. The goalie had no chance at all and was the first time we got him really moving and out of position all night. So down just one the Gold was bearing down and gaining some momentum as the minutes ticked away.

With just under 5 minutes to play the Zeebras would finally give the Blue a whistle, and it turned out to be a 2-fer. The Gold were handed a 5-3 power play and the Shock took their time out so the big guys could get their wind and stay on the ice.
Unfortunately this is where things caught up to the Beercans and things started falling apart. The Gold got a wicked shot right away but then could hardly muster another shot as the penalty time melted away along with the golden opportunity we’d been handed. The penalty over, the Shock scrambling the Gold would again get some excellent chances. Jeff pinched and took a nice shot from no more than say 8 feet. Not only does the Keeper make the stop, but Ken Goldenberg who was perfectly positioned on the doorstep whacked at the loose puck and it went under his pads. Kenny would whack at it again, Jeff was sure the puck was in… but the whistle blew… and there was the puck, safe and sound, just outside the line. No dice. It just wasn’t going to happen against this keeper. This was his night.

The Gold would pull Matt with just under a minute and that only resulted in a Too Many Men penalty as Jeff went back out on the ice when Matt got on the bench. He hadn’t looked to see that someone else had already gone.
The last 30 seconds would pass without event, even with the empty net there was no blood as time expired and the Shock began the celebration.

The trophy was handed to the Shock along with some very nice Royal Blue shirts as is the standard Division Championship Booty. Good for them. A good match, and only a slightly bitter defeat for the Schlitz who really came very close to forcing just one more game. It just wasn’t to be this year.

Kudos to Larry for sponsoring the fourth period with ice cold Bud Lites and everyone, all 9 of us nursed our wounds and toasted the now completed season in the parking lot.

It was a nice playoff run for what was really a kind of mediocre season.

Someday when the Schlidaveur International Statistics Division is reconstituted we’ll get a handle on how things stacked up.
For now, its over. That big thump you just heard is the book closing on the summer of 2009.

See you next week when the winter season starts.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Suds Beat Call to advance to Championship

Schlitz (2-1) vs Last Call (2-1)
Monday September 28th
UMass Boston 7:00pm

4-2 WIN!!!

Some nights at the rink are more special than others. Something in the air, the emotions and the actions of a game take on a form that leaves you with... well usually a memorable game. Last night's game was memorable to say the least, for a number of different reasons.

Beside the fact that this was a playoff game, and a game that winning meant a ticket to the Championship Game. This was the final game of the "one loss" bracket in the double elimination playoffs for the Islanders Division. There was a reasonable group of fans, mostly wives with kids, the Capraro clan made it, Kerry and the three boys cheered on the Suds, and there were a couple of other families for the Last Call too.

The game was at our least favorite venue, the House of Horrors, the Prison by the Bay, or UMAlcatraz. Not only do you get to change in the cold air of the rink but you get the honor of paying six bucks just to park somewhat close to the rink. Hey... they got a spiffy new lighthouse for their traffic circle though... at least the game was early.

So the stage was set for what was sure to be a tough game against the Last Call whom we've not had very much luck against recently. Here is your Suds Roster.
O1: Nelson, Steve, Larry
O2: Capraro, Chuck, and Howard. AK floated.
D1: George, Parker
D2: Mark, Jeff
Matt in Net.

This was a good lineup and there was no reason to think we couldn't hold our own but the Call certainly had some talent, and as the game got underway the last few stragglers would come in and give them a full bench. Plenty of no face sheild guys, no-one really super fast, but a number of quality players. The Suds would have thier work cut out.

The Schlitz would take right to it out of the gates and it was clear that we would not only get our chances but we had good puck movement and everyone seemed to be playing well. The Blogger has to say he felt good in the early going about our chances. This good feeling was only boosted when Steve Baker would pick up a rebound and slam it home with a patented slapper that would put the Gold up 1-0. It wasn't terribly long after that that we took our first penalty. The scoresheet has #20 which is fine except we dont have a #20 but she clearly wasn't paying close attention... an issue we will return to later in the game. Regardless we were sure to talk a whole bunch as soon as the call was made and the Ref being... well... the Ref got all excited and immediately defensive which did not bode well for the rest of the evening. We just have that affect on Zeebs. I think it has something to do with our mouths... just a thought.
The Gold would kill the penalty and wouldn't you know it Steve would hit pay-dirt again, this time on a classic feed from Hard Working Nelson Sharfman that would put the Gold up 2-0 with a bit of time left in the first.

The Call was far from taking it lying down. They cranked up the intensity and started getting chances of thier own. Just as the first came to a close they would get a shot from the point, which was deflected (by what looked like a high stick) thenthen took a crazy wobbling arc through traffic and into the net. Of course our entire bench felt the need to make the point that it was a high stick but... what a surprise... the Zeebras were unaffected.

This let down continued into the first shift of the second and a bad clearing attempt would go bing- pow passed twice then shot straight into the net through a screen of players and the game was tied 2-2 with only about a minute gone into the second. You could feel the intensity slipping for the Gold and this was the point the game could have turned on... but the Suds wouldn't let it.
The Beercans would dig in, take the game back to the Call and would produce about 5-6 minutes of some of the best hockey we have played all season. Good strong defense, backchecking, forechecking, timley passes and shots. It was amazing to see.
Things were getting contentious on the ice. The Call was having no trouble giving a slash or a nudge here and there and the Zeebs only had eyes for us and our big fat mouths... which brings us to the first "incident" of the night. After a scramble in front of Matt there was some pushing. AK decided that the 'tude coming from Mr. Pink Helmet (no cage) was a little too much so as the play was being separated by the Zeebs Ken comes barreling through to put a body on old Pinky and proceeds to get himself a 5 minute major for a hit well after the play was dead. Not very smart. The Gold would kill the penalty, and did a nice job doing it.
At this point all the Gold hard work would produce some results. Howard would take a hard drive to the net, keeping his legs moving and whacking at the puck he got through the D and potted the go-ahead goal for the Gold. Just a tremendous effort by Howard who's game has really come a long way in just his first season with us. This goal was just massive.
Before the Second would end Pete Capraro would go for a slash then trouble started. Pete was slow going to the box, probably had something to say, then... according to the Zeebra... he bumped into the Ref on his way to the box. Our neruotic and exciteable friend in stripes invited Pete to sit 10 minutes for a misconduct. No good. We would kill the 2 minute minor for the slash but would be without Pete until 10 minutes left in the game.
Into the Third we went the Beercans holding an improbable 3-2 lead and the game getting chippy. Larry helped things out when he took a call just 2 minutes into the period. I dont remember what the call was because when Larry got to the box trouble started brewing with the score keeper. She listed his penalty as *asshole* on the score sheet. Pete was able to fill us in after he left the box. Larry was trying to find out what time he could get out, the Zeeb was trying to talk to the scorekeeper who had all of her homework out on the desk, and was fiddling with her iPhone. Well... Larry invited her to "pay attention" then offered to insert the iPhone and apparently other things into a very sensative part of her anatomy. Pete's kids were near the box, trying to figure out why he was in there so long, and Pete had to send them away as teh F-bombs flew between Larry and Katie the Scorekeeper. Classic.
Katie would write a special note to Larry on our roster page which goes like this:
"Larry Bell, you're a self-absorbed fucking asshole. [heart] Katie." Nice. She also took a photo for blog purposes which you see here. I've also include the note at the bottom of the post.
At least we weren't done playing hockey, despite doing a good job embarressing ourselves with the rink staff. Nelson would score the topper about midway through the period on just a typical hard working, cycle the zone get it out front type of a play. Vintage Nelson. The Gold had a two goal lead with less than 10 minutes in the game.

Then the crazyness kept coming. Just under the 8 minute mark Howard collapsed after a faceoff as though he had been shot. He had severe pain in his knee and couldn't get up. This didn't stop Larry from skating over to the crowd to say "Hey Ref... isn't the clock supposed to run?" no one laughed. Eventually we dragged poor Howard over to our bench where he got some help and a bag of ice as the game wound down.

The play continued to be chippy and aggressive but again the Suds just did a terrific job of staying in front of the play and keeping things under control and out of our own end. Then trouble popped up (you knew it would) just as we hit the 2 minute mark. Here's what happened.
Along the far boards Jeff jammed the play to break it up, but the Call forward had plenty of momentum and deliberately piled into Jeff trying to break the puck free. I guess while he was down the guy kept pushing, and Larry took major exception to that.
Now... the Blogger appreciates Larry sticking up for Jeff and being a good teammate but the reaction was a little over the top. Jeff was on his feet by the time Larry and this guy were face to face and pushing. Jeff stood between the guys as the Refs reeled Larry in and tried to separate them. No dice. Larry broke free and he and the other guy rolled around on the ice whacking each other until the Zeebs got things under controll again. Once again we let our head's get the best of us...
The good news is that despite being down a man, and the Call even pulling their keeper, the Gold was able to kill the last 2 minutes and preserve a very wierd, very hard fought playoff victory and a trip to tonights Championship Game.
Of course during the handshakes AK felt it necessary to talk some smack to Pinky which resulted in another crowd and the Zeebras trying to keep everyone apart. The Zeebra's comment after I asked him what AK said was something like "Not for nothin' but that guy deserves an ass kicking..." That's us... makin' friends... leaving a good impression. AK had taken a shot off his hand or forearm and looked more than a little green in the gills when I saw him after the game so what he said remains a mystery. Bet it was good.
The UMass PD were called to get an ambulence for Howard. The EMT's showed and got him all squared away. While we were waiting the blogger got to witness a first hand dresssing down of the Zeebras by the UMass cop on duty... he didn't like their 'tude (they wanted to get the next game going right away) then made them both go and get ID. Another classic.

Howard at least had a smile on and gave the thumbs up on his way out on the stretcher.

Game Stars
3rd Star: Let's hear it for Nelson "consistancy" Sharfman. The dude just brings it. Never stops going. Never gives up an inch. Nice work all night man.
2nd Star: Howard "game winning goal" Heppeleman. Tough break. Word is that he has a ruptured Patella tendon and we may not see him for quite a while. Great game Howard. Get better soon.
1st Star: Steve "what about me for Rookie of the Year" Baker. Two tremendous goals and great work all night. Great job Steve, keep up the good work.

Coon of Shame: Although there was more than one candidate for this game Larry wins it for his verbal assault on Katie the scorekeeper and his multiple invitations for her to do the anatomically impossible. Atta boy Larry.

Just for good measure I've included Katie's love note to our favorite Stat ho.

Special Update! Championship Tonight!

Ok ok ok...
I know I owe you a blog... actually two. EDITED check that... the Thursday Game story is now up(scroll down 1 post)... still working on last night's epic tale.
Last thursday the Playoff Daveur was a smash success with the Righty Schlitz winning in a Shootout over the Lefty Cadavers. I have a post for this... its coming... I promise.

THEN. Last night the Schlitz faced the Last Call at UMass for the final game of the "losers" bracket and a chance to play for the title tonight.
This game has a post coming too... oh boy does it. I can tell you it was a memorable night in many, many ways. I promise to have something on this by the end of the day.

The result was a thrilling 4-2 win over the Call that gives the Skating Beercans a date in the CHAMPIONSHIP GAME TONIGHT against the 3-0 Shock.
Now... if we win tonight, due to the double elimination format we will have to play one more time for a final deciding Championship game.... but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Management is working the 'nets this morning gettting the roster ironed out, we've had a handfull of conflicts and guys that couldn't go last night but can again tonight. We will stay in touch as the day goes on. Standby....

Exciting stuff. Hope to see you at UMASS tonight at 8:10pm!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Schlitz (2-1) vs Last Call (2-1)
Monday September 28th
UMASS Boston 7:00pm

Playoff Elimination Game.

The "losers" bracket of the double elimination playoffs ends tonight with the Schlitz facing the Last Call at UMass Boston with a chance to face The Shock tomorrow night for the Championship. The Suds have advanced courtesy of a terrific Shootout victory over the Cadavers last Thursday night. The Blogger apologises for not having a game story up yet but its coming...

The Call comes off their own victory in a shootout over rival the Tigers last Friday night. That game was 1-0 in the shootout. The Call will certainly be on their game tonight to give the Suds all they can handle.

The Righty Suds will have to bring their best game to make it to the Championship Game tomorrow night. Even then, in order to win the Championship they will have to beat the Shock twice thanks to the double elimination format... but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

See you tonight at the rink. Someone bring beer.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Righty Suds win Awesome Playoff-daveur!

Schlitz 1-1 vs Cadavers 1-1
Thursday September 24
Canton 10:50pm

Suds 5
Cads 3

Final. Overtime. Shootout.

A playoff daveur for the ages saw the Righty Suds win a tense shootout battle to advance to the final game of the 1 loss bracket in the Islanders Division Playoffs. Its been a while since our squads have met in the playoffs given that we've been in separate divisions, but thanks to some resiliant play by both squads earlier in the week this playoff showdown was finally made possible. The assembled daveurs would take to the ice in Canton just before 11pm for some late night action. Here are your rosters.

Schlitz (righties)
Nelson, Neil, Capraro, Parker, George, Ken/Mitch, Dave Di, Chuck, AK, and Greg
Matty CEOBMF in the pipes.

Cadavers (lefties)
Larry, Howard, Steve, Roman, Matvey, iJosh, Scott, Mark, Campbell, Jeff, and Hammitt.
Lizzy in the pipes.
The game was as tight and tense as you would expect in the first period. Both teams would get chances, both goalies would get into the game nicely making solid stops. The Cadavers would actually jump out in front in the early going when iJosh would bury a feed from Roman that would beat Matty and the Red would go up 1-0. This just stoked the fires in the Beercans and they seemed to go a little harder as the period went on.

The teams were definitly going after each other and there was no shortage of incidental or not so incidental contact going on. This would culminate in Hammitt taking a penatly for an open ice take-down of George... not his first infraction but the first one that gave him the gate. This came just at the end of the period.
The Zebras would have a quick word with the benches during the intermission basically saying Hammitt needed to be cool and we all needed to be quiet, and just play the game. Advice noted... not necessarily heeded.. the game would go to the second... 1-0 Red.

The Second would see a significant change in the game when Chuck Slate would tie the game just under the 15 minute mark on a helper from point man Greg James. The game tied and fiesty Mark Reynolds would go off at 12:42 and as the ensuing power play wound down Chuck would score again, this time from Dave Diloretto. This put the Gold on top with 10:40 in the second and clearly the Red were back on their heels. It wasn't long after that, that the hard working Beercans would get another one. This one credited to Pete Capraro but all I remember is Nelson practically standing on top of Lizzy and pleading with the ref that the puck had crossed the line during the melee in front. Red defender Mike Campbell after the game would confirm that it was a goal and that's how the Zebra's took it, and with 8 minutes left in the second it was 3-1 Gold.

The Gold would then take a pair of calls before the end of the period, with Nelson going for a hook at 5:39 and Pete going for an Unsportsmanlike at 4:16... I dont remember what Pete did but it must have been good. Anyway 3-1 Gold end of two.
The Third would be no less exciting and tightly played than the first two periods, and again the game would take a dramatic change. Mike Campbell would take a call at 13:19 that the Red would successfully kill off. Just after the kill, Steve Baker would connect on a beautiful shot that came from now point man Mike Hammitt. (it should be noted Hammitt did a good job staying in the game after his first period bumper pool). This came at ten and a half minutes to play.
Campbell would go one more time to the box at the 8 minute mark but again the Red would do a nice job killing the penalty and would again use the kill to maintain, even gather momentum.
The Red, down a goal, would press the play as the game entered the final five minutes.
Steve Baker, you may recall if you've played with him, has a wicked slapshot. He would put it on display as he would take a pass from Matvey down low on the goal line and would RIFLE a shot at an oblique angle that went like a laser into the net with exactly 2 minutes to play.
Tie game.
The last two minutes would see both teams in a frenzy to make something happen... but nothing did. The game would go to overtime. The five minute overtime would see some great chances from both clubs, in particular the blogger remembers a great chance that iJosh just couldnt get the handle on. Both keepers played extremely well in the overtime making critical stops on quality shots. Alas... there would be no blood in the short overtime period and the game would have to be decided on Penatly shots.

Both teams picked 5 shooters, and the Red went first. Larry Bell wound up and laid a fairly weak offering into the pads of Matty. The Gold would send Dave Diloretto down who would score on Lizzy and the Gold were up 4-3. The next shooter for the Red was Jeff Fosdick who offered an equally weak attempt that Matty would snuff out without any trouble. Things weren't looking good for Team Zombie.
Neil Shah was up next and would have no trouble buring his effort and the Gold were up 5-3. Steve Baker would take the next shot for Red and Matt once again would have none of it and turned aside the attempt. Kevin Parker would go next for Gold and Lizzy would make a nice stop to hold back the Beercan tide.

Now in a score or lose situation Mark Reynolds would try out his luck on Matt. The shot was good but Matt was just not to be denied and as he turned away Mark's chance he was mobbed by his Gold teammates who celebrated a very hard fought win.
The Gold would now get a chance to play the Last Call on Monday night for a chance to play for the title. A nice little run the Schlitz have had in these playoffs, which has been a nice end to a kind of so-so season.
Game Stars:
3rd Star: Steve "slapshot" Baker who was all over the place and did a great job generating the offence the Red needed to stay in the game.
2nd Star: Chuck "2 goal" Slate for a great effort and nice finish to help his team to victory. Good work.
1st Star: Who else can it be but the Shootout King. CEOBMF, Don't bring that weak shtuff here, Matt Kilroy. A great performance, particualarly in OT and the shootout to bring home a nice victory for the Gold. Great work.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Schlitz (1-1) vs Cadavers (1-1)
Thursday September 24th
Canton 10:40pm

Playoff Elimination Game.

Well kids its happened once again. Its been a few seasons now since we have met each other in the playoffs thanks to the league placing us in different divisions. This year there was no separation and both teams finished in the middle of the pack in the Islanders Division. Thanks to the double elimination format both teams lived again after dropping their first games. The Schlitz lost to El Tigre in OT, and the Cadavers lost to the Shock in a game that was tied with less than a minute remaining. Thanks to victories over the Blues (Schlitz) and D-Minus both teams stay alive and now face each other on Thursday night to see who can stay alive for one more round.

As it happens we've divided the teams on another creative (what else would you expect) basis as per the last 'daveur event of the season.

These rosters do not include drop outs for this week...

Schlitz – Right Handed Shots
Ken G
Ken D
Matt - Net

adavers – Left Handed Shots
Mark R
Lizzie - Net

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Daveurs Double Up! Both teams advance to Thursday!

Schlitz vs Blues
Monday September 21
Canton 9:30pm

5-2 win!

There was more doubleheader playoff action last night in Canton and this week was both similar and markedly different than last. Both games were very close, and tied most of the way just like last week's games but this time the Suds and Zombies pulled off the win in both cases and now advance to face each other on Thursday night at the same rink.
The first game saw a very nice Schlitz lineup against ancient rival's the Blues in the first elimination game of the evening. Here's the lineup.
D1: George, Jeff
D2: Dave, Mark
O1: Nelson, Steve, Pete
O2: Neil, Kevin, and AK
Matt in Net
This game would go through a long process of "feeling it out" and finding the pace of the game as the teams went back and forth. Both keepers warmed to the task and the Zeebras were calling things tight as there was clearly a competitive "playoff" atmosphere on the ice.
Steve Baker would go for a rough, a match with 38 from the Blues only 3 minutes into the game. Capraro would go at the end of the first for an interferece. No blood on any of the power plays. The first would end 0-0.
The second would continue back and forth, Kilroy made some just tremendous stops, scooping up anything that came near him. Capraro (thug) would go again on a iffy holding the stick call but again the PK did just fine. Then the Blues would get a break. A classic unable to clear problem in our own end and plunk it was 1-0 Blues with 6 and a half left in the first.

Capraro wasn't done making the scoresheet as he would find teh net, on a helper from Steve to tie the game back up 1-1 with just under 4 left in the second. The play would continue, fast (relatively) and intense and we would go to the third still tied at one.

The third got off to a bang when Kevin Parker and 38 from team Blu would go for matching roughs and the sides skated 5-5. The Blues would take another penalty, and the Suds, AK in particular showed great composure resisting the retaliation and staying clear of the box the rest of the way. Miracle... I know.

The play continued past the 6 minute mark and George made a long end to end push that resulted in another snuffed shot by the Blue keeper. Worse yet number 6 (red pants) would scoop up the puck and race down the other end on a long break away and would finish it past Kilroy and the Blues would lead 2-1 with only 5 minutes left.

Once again, the pride of Old Milwaulkee would rise to the top and the tuckered Suds would take the game right back to the Blues over the next 3 minutes. Then 35 would lose his cool and once again AK would do a first rate job in drawing the penalty without retaliation and off 35 went to the box with 2:29 remaining on an interference (mugging). It was classic. He popped off as the entire Blue bench was screaming at him to keep his cool. Not to be smug but that due was overdue for a call all night long and it couldn't have been sweeter for it to come when it did.
The result was astounding. The Suds would hold the play in the zone, make a nice couple of passes and George would unleash his best slapshot of the game that would find its way through traffic and into the net for the tie with just 2:11 on the clock. Credit Kevin Parker with the assist.
Obviously nothing was over yet, and the Suds refused to relinqish the momentum they had worked so hard for. The play stayed in the blue end, and a minute later the puck would go around the zone from Nelson to Steve then back out to George who topped his best slapper on the previous shot, with an even better one that would hit paydirt and gave the Suds the lead with 1 minute to play. Just massive.
The blues would pull their keeper but couldn't muster a comeback and first Neil then Nelson would would pot empty netters at 41 and 18 seconds respectively to put this one, and the Blues on ice.
The Blues were very stand up and congratulatory in the handshake and there has rarely been a more satisfying playoff win for the Schlitz... other than championships... as far as I can recall.
Good stuff. Major ups to everyone involved.

Game Stars:
3rd Star: Matt Kilroy. Excellent work by the BMF/CEO as he turns away a lot of rubber in this one. Our boy continues to gain experience in the pipes.

2nd Star: Steve Baker. The man with the wicked shot didn't get a goal but 2 assists and a lot of legwork on the night. Good game.

1st Star: George "get that coon outta here" Moorachian for two unbelieveable slappers that would tie then win the game for the Suds. A great effort by George all night long and a well deserved game star for the defenseman.

This comment came in this morning from Pete Capraro about this game:
"Grit" is all I have to say for game 1, Braveheart style."
Which brings us... to the nightcap.

Cadavers vs D-Minus
Monday September 21
Canton 10:40pm

4-2 Win!

The nightcap would see a tired group of suds join the 6 guys scheduled to play for Team Zombie. The Dead would defer to the Minus and thier red shirts and would again play as the Schlitz for the sake of visibility. Here's how the lineup went.
D1: Steve, Mark
D2: George, Jeff
O1: Roman, Matvey, and Hammit
O2: Nelson, AK, and Howard
O3: Neil, Scott, and Ken G.
Lizzy in Net.
Lots of double ups as you can see from the roster.

This game was not nearly as contentious as the first game, as witnessed by the complete lack of a penalty from either team for the whole game. The Dead in Yellow would strike first, about 3 minutes into the game when AK Douville would bury a pass from Neil and put them up 1-0. AS really good night all the way around for Ken who had good chances all night.
The score would stay that way until well into the second.
Jeff would make a horrible clearing attempt on the right boards that was scooped up and bandied about in front of Lizzy until they popped it home for tie. This was only a minute or so into the second. The play would continue at a slower, but still urgent pace for both teams until the Dead would break the tie with a bang bang play of their own. Keeping the puck in the red end Mark would feed Nelson who would feed Mitch who would tap home the puck for the lead after a lot of gritty hard work in front of the net. This goal has been up for debate and probably could be credited to Ken G or Nelson but from my perspective Ken touched it last so he's getting the goal weather he wants it or not.

Before the period was out Old Reliable Nelson would surface again with more mucking in grinding that would result in paydirt. Nelson would bang home a play from Jeff, and Mitch and would give the Golden Dead the 3-1 lead with a minute left in the second. We would go to the third 3-1 Zombies.

D-Minus wasn't done and again capitalizing on a shakey play in our own end would make the game 3-2 with 7 minutes remaining. That led to some anxious moments on the Zombie bench but those fears would be put away when Roman would do his best Nelson imitation and woudl plunk one home from the side of the net after mucking about the zone for a minute or so. Credit Matvey and Howard with the helpers on Roman's goal.
That was it. Game over 4-2 and a pair of nice playoff wins for the 'daveurs.

Game Stars
3rd Star: Lizzy. Another very solid playoff performance from our Gal in the pipes. Great work.

2nd Star: Ken Goldenberg for a goal and an assist and an all around good night.

1st Star: Do I have to say his name? Doubling up. Mucking and grinding like he... likes it. Working hard and making others play hard around him. A goal and an assist at least. Nelson Bleeping Sharfman. Great work as always my man.

So now we are down to the nitty gritty.

Playoff 'Daveur.
Thursday Night.
Canton 10:40pm (I know the schedule says 10:50 but lets go with the normal rink time)
Bring it. Loser goes home.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Playoff Doubles Continue Tonight!

Alright 'daveurs... the Playoffs continue TONIGHT in Canton with some very interesting matchups on Tap. Tonight the Suds, losers to the Shock in a close game last week (4-1 2 e.n.g.s)in game one will take on old time rival The Blues who joint the losers bracket courtesy of a 1-0 loss at the hands of the Shock. Interesting that the Shock has risen to the winners bracket and done pretty well here.

The nightcap sees the Cadavers, losers to El Tigre in OT facing D-minus who won the play-in game only to lose to CH Terriers in "game one" but should be a makeable mark for the Dead in Red tonight.
The deal now is win to advance. The winners get to play again on Thursday night, also in Canton. So if both teams make it we get the RARE AND WONDEROUS... PLAYOFF 'DAVUER.
Now if that isn't motivation enough... I don't know what is.
Here are your rosters for tonight. Good Luck Team.

Schlitz vs Blues
9:30pm Canton
Ken D
Dave Di
Mark Reynolds
Matt – Goal

Cadavers vs Dminus
10:40pm Canton
Ken G
Lizzie - Goal

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Shock and Tigers beat Daveurs to open Playoffs

Schlitz vs Shock
Monday September 14
Bavis 9:30 pm

Cadavers vs Tigers
Monday September 14
Bavis 10:40pm

Monday night saw both teams in action as the summer playoffs began. Both games were very close, in fact both games were tied 1-1 as the the game went into its final minute. Both games saw a great and sincere effort by the assembled ‘daveurs, and yes… both games resulted in heartache for our beloved Suds and Zombies as both teams would lose and be exiled to play in the “losers” bracket starting next Monday night… when both teams again play on the same night.

These same night games are killers for us, even with the expanded rosters because anyone that can’t make it… can’t make both games. We were very thin for Monday night’s playoff games but, being the good do-bees that we are, no extra subs were called in to fill in the gaps as these are the playoffs, and all players had to have at least 5 games service to be eligible to play.
The first game saw the Schlitz, playing as the 6 seed meeting the Shock who were the 3 seed for the division. The Shock are very similar to us and we’ve had some decent results playing them in the past. This game would show that we could certainly run with them, and clearly the Suds had every opportunity to take the game… but the Shock would have something to say about it.
Here’s your early game roster.
Matt CEO/BMF in net.
D1: Dave Di, Kevin Parker
D2: Steve Baker, Jeff
O1: Capraro, Shah, and Slate
O2: Sharfman, Jasse, iJosh and KenMitch.

The game would be very even and there were good chances at both ends as the play got going. The Shock goaltender would have a terrific night turning away plenty of rubber… only to be matched by Matt in our end who again had a very solid performance in the pipes. No blood … or score after the first period. The Shock would take a penalty in the first but no luck on the PP.

The second would only be more of the same as the forwards would get plenty of chances, just none that found their way in, and the Gold played solid on D.

The game would go to the third… at this point with regular updates from the zeebras on the score of the Patriots game that was going on… and finally there would be some scoring.

About halfway through the third the Gold would have a breakdown int their own end and the Shock would jump on it and finally get one past Matty for a 1-0 lead. True to Beercan pride the Gold would knuckle up and get one right back. This one would be a textbook hard work goal that went from Steve Baker on the point, down to Nelson who would muck it out into a chance and Dr. Jasse would provide the finish to tie the game up 1-1.

Down the stretch we all came, Dave Di and Steve taking some chances, Kilroy making great stops, all kinds of good things happening for the Gold in a very tight game.

Then just under a minute the Shock would unleash their best defenseman… a number 43 who would go end to end, turn our D and bury one past Matt at the 40 second mark. Interesting that as I go back an look at the roster on the score sheet there is no number 43.. but what can you do? The Shock had taken it to us, and despite pulling Matt the Gold were unable to answer in the time remaining. The Shock would pot an empty netter at about 20/-15 seconds and that made it 3-1. The little bastards would throw another one at the net as time expired and it would go making it an unnecessary 4-1 and that was that.

A tough game for the Gold given how close and how many opportunities there were to be had. Once again a beatable team slips past us, just at the last minute.

The mood postgame was fairly somber and it didn’t help that Management was asking for players to double up as the roster was VERY thin for the nightcap against the Tigers, who you know were going to be ready for the playoffs.

The Cadavers would dress in Yellow, as we always do when playing El Tigre and despite the confusion of the scorekeeper and Zeebs, managed to field a full 13 for the game.
Here is your Zombie lineup.
Lizzy in Net
D1: Steve, Kevin
D2: Mark Reynolds, Jeff
Offense: Dr. Pounds, Howard, Roman and Matvey were joined by returning skaters, Jasse, Nelson, iJosh, Neil, and Chuck Slate

Major kudos have to go out to the guys that doubled up right off the bat. Thanks to everyone who was willing to brave the stiffness and soreness that was sure to come the next day from a double game skate

The Golden Zombies, despite fielding such a tired team played great against the Tigers. This game looked like a carbon copy of the first game through the whole first period. Great chances for the Gold, great goalie play by the opponents keeper, and good play on our own end. Lizzy made some great stops and the Gold got after everything the Tigers threw at us. Just before the end of the first the Tigers would finally get one and would go up 1-0.

The Gold would answer quickly, just like in the first game and it wasn’t many minutes into the second when Roman would take a feed from Mark Reynolds and shot one that was deflected, then went end over end in a perfect arc right into the net to the amazement of the Tigers and our bench. Just like Roman planned it.

The Tigers had taken a penalty in the first, and Chuck took one for the Zombies also. The second would see Reynolds go for a check but no blood on the power play.

Again a 1-1 game into the end of the third. Great chances all over the place. I’m sure the blogger is leaving out many interesting opportunities but given that he skated twice… just can’t recall them right now. Please comment if you know I’m leaving something out.

Down to the final minute we go. No goals but a very interesting call came with just 25 seconds left. On the far boards Steve would tangle with one of the big Tiger forwards and both would fall as the Tiger held his stick. The Zeebra would call STEVE and give the Tigers a power play for the final seconds of the game.

Thankfully the RedGold would kill the penalty, in regulation and into the overtime period, but got no significant boost form the kill. The Tigers would be able to hold it in our end as the time went below 2 minutes and then a shot from the point would receive a perfect deflection on its way and went in to seal the deal for the Tigers.


Another just brutal game to lose, this time in Overtime against a team we could not only run with, but had every opportunity to beat. There were good portions of the game when we took the play right to them, but their keeper kept coming up with great stops.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Schlitz (6) vs Shock (3)
Monday September 14
Bavis Arena 9:30pm

Cadavers (5) vs Tigers (4)
Monday September 14
Bavis Arena 10:40pm

A playoff double header in Rockland tonight for both the Suds and Zombies. Thats right both teams are technically underdogs (as the lower seed) tonight as the Suds take on the Shock in the first game, and the Zombies take on traditional rival El Tigre in the nightcap.
We will need all hands on deck for both games tonight and there are many 'daveurs that are unavailable so we will need every body we can get. Some guys will be skating both games just to fill out the roster. We have good players available, even if they aren't plentiful, and we should have a good chance in both games. Lets bring it.
Here are your rosters as of Noontime on Monday.

Schlitz (6) 9:30pm vs Shock
Dave Di
Steve B
Matt in net.

Cadavers (5) 10:40pm vs Tigers
...and prob a few more from the first game.
Lizzy in Net

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cads go down in Season Finale

Cadavers (15) vs Shock
Monday August 31
Dedham 10:10pm

4-2 loss.

This one sounded like a tough one for the dead in Red. The blogger is going to throw it out to a bevvy of Guest Bloggers who all contributed to this one. Lets start off with a very well rounded summary by ROY Neil Shah.
Here's Neil:

Forwards (LW-C-RW):
Lizzy in Net

General Comments on the Game:

Generally, we outplayed them- we were skating hard and our team definitely generated the lion's share of chances in the game. Unfortunately, we could not finish. Numerous times we were stopped on point blank shots at the door step. I personally missed two breakways that could have tied the game late in the third period. The first one was a decent save on a backhand deke; the second one I had the guy beat but completely flubbed the shot on a rolling puck.

In terms of individual performers, Howard deserves to be singled out for having a solid game. In addition to the goal, he played hard and generated some good chances through forechecking and hard work on the boards. Our defense was solid most of the game, but we had a few breakdowns late that led to their goals. Offensively, we generated a ton of chances but just didnt score enough.

Although I'm normally loathe to complain about the refs, there were some blatant missed calls. Hammit got called for interference when two of their guys skated into each other and fell down. It was so obvious that one of their forwards flat out admitted that there had been no penalty; the two guys literally just ran into each other and Hammitt got the penalty because he happened to be standing a few feet away. Perhaps even more harmful, the refs blew the whistle twice where Kenny was literally all alone in front about to tee off a shot because the goalie had "accidentally" knocked the net off on the moorings. It was complete coincidence that both times he knocked the net off were after making saves on breakaways that left him sprawled and out of position with Kenny wide open in front of the net.

Excellent work Neil. Thanks for your contribution to the blog.
Now lets hear from Kevin Parker who always has a colorful story to tell:

Let's see... 10 guys. George, Hammit, Matvey, and Steve On defense.
Goody, Howard (who played a very good game by the way) and I were a line and Neil, AK, and Chuck rounded out the squad. Lizzy in net. We played well enough to win but had one bad stretch where we had some 'timely'
penalties and gave up 2 goals in the span of like 30 seconds which kind of killed us. D had a good game and the forwards skated hard all night.
Not going to say we got hosed by the zebras....but we got hosed by the zebras. Decent showing for the 4th, Howard had a dizzying array of beer available (MGD, The Champagne of Beers, Miller Light and I think I even saw a BL Lime or two) and we did ourselves proud by finishing off the entire cooler before leaving. Little victories. Little victories.

Hope this helps. Had a tough time remembering all the way back to Monday. Need to go lay down now.

You'll be glad to know that Kevin made a full recovery after a long nap under his desk earlier today...
Now lets hear from Howard on the game:

Opponents Goalie - “Iron curtain”

Sit down… I scored the first goal. We held the 1-0 lead going into the 3rd period. We went up 2-0 briefly with a sneaky short-handed goal by Matvey who got the assist from the opponents defenseman who when attempting to skate the puck up ice looped in front of their goalie and Matvey simply tweaked the puck off his stick and past their unprepared goalie for a nice 2-0 cushion. Then within about 30 seconds it was 2-1 while the Cadavers were still short handed and 60 seconds later, 2-2. The elder Zeeb set the tone in the 4th quarter with some horrendously bad calls that left even the opponents team members scratching their heads. The lop-sided penalty calling continued and soon enough the score was 2-4. Major let down! According to Kenny, the player of the game – the Zeeb for his bad play calling. Calls the zeebs failed to make that they should have included the two times Neil led a 2 on 0 breakaway with Kenny close behind and as Neil’s first shot was rejected by their goalie, he then conveniently popped the net out of position, which resulted in the Zeeb blowing the whistle to end play and denying Kenny the easy follow-through.

Tough game to digest if it weren’t for the nice ample variety of cold beer (Schlitz, Bud, Bud Light, Bud Light Lime, Miller High Life and Miller Lite) waiting in the parking lot.

Thanks Howard. Great job on the summary and the goal. The Blogger thanks you.
Lastly lets hear from Matvey:

Our scouting report on them was that they shoot from everywhere, and that proved to be true. They took shots from mid-ice, and everytime they crossed our blue-line they looked to get into a shooting position. Lizzy made a number of great stops, one of those was a "clean" breakway from their blue-line - begotten by the guy dropping Hammit while pursuing the puck coming out of their zone. That was as clean of a trip as you can get, but ref's arms must have been too tired 'cause no call followed. So Lizzy stopped the breakaway and shut the door for most of the game.
In the 3rd, after gettting some slight idea of how we are being slighed by the zebras a call on Hammit led to a penalty-kill. We had a great effort killing the penalty and everyone was so eager to step in that at one point we had 5 people on the penalty kill, but luckily that went unnoticed, for about 10-15 seconds. In the resulting confusion I jumped on the ice, but ending up a 3rd D on the ice, I played up. After some intersting maneuvering by their D and trying to skate the puck in front of their own net, all I had to do is to time my poke-check :) - having the goalie sliding away from the post helped as well, but that ended up being our 2nd goal. I just skated back, but the guy who turned over the puck was pretty mad, and by all accounts threw his stick to the ice - no punishment or reaction from the refs on that one either.

Unfortunately, we were still on the pentalty kill, and they did manage to score a goal before the penalty expired. Another goal followed within a minute and all of a sudden it was 2-2. In the meantime the game featured 2 clean breakaways for Neil, one was set up by a nice pass up the middle (I think), and another one was Neil intercepting the puck in the mid-air during penalty kill and taking off. Both times Neil was stopped by the goalie (different moves on each breakway), but both times the goalie knocked the goal of its moorings. Again, no call from the refs, and both times we had a man coming for clean rebound opportunity.

Well, Shock did score 2 more times, with us going to the box, and them not so of the plays was George making a great effort, back-checking a guy trying to get a break-way. George was sent off for hooking, while the "Shock" guy told George "Great Play" and then after the game was also saying that he had no idea where the penalty call came from.

After the game, by a unanimous vote in the locker room, the game star was awarded to the zebras

Very nice! Very nice indeed on the guest blogs gentlemen. Too bad about the game result but... them's the breaks.

Looks like both teams are in action for the begining of theplayoffs on Monday September 14th... so mark you calendars... we will need everyone for that night!