Tuesday August 5th
7-1 Loss.
Antoher good skate against El Tigre, but not such a favorable result. Another tough outcome against a tough division rival again at Canton. Another, “looks good on the schedule, but isn’t so easy to get to” Seven O’clock game. This one was a bit thinnly staffed, but saw a hearty group of Goaltenders and skaters show up to don the Zombie Red. 6 skaters and 4 goalies made for a interesting lineup from the start.
Lizzy played net in front of another D trio, This time Greg James, Jeff Fosdick, and Kevin Manning (who brought his family) took the troika duties. The two forward lines shook out like this, Sometimes Goalie Jim Sullivan centered sometimes goalie Matt Kirloy and Frequent Goalie Brian Carey. That’s a lot of keepers on the ice. The second line was Matvey centering Dr. Pounds and Dan Gregson.
The Red started out pretty well and things looked to be shaping up into a classic tight game with the Tigers, who played with an even 10. They also looked to have their usuall talent on ice, especially Number 8, and another 8 who was no slouch either. It wont surprise you, reader of the blog, if you’ve played against these guys lately that he (the 8) once again figured heavily in the scoring for the game.
The Red covered some decent ground in the early going and even generated a few chances. Lizzy was staunch turning away a nice handfull of early shots from the cats and things continued to look good with some hard work from the “good guys”.
Brian Carey playing left wing was a revelation. Dude played great, took some nice shots and was all over the ice trying to make something happen. Not a speed demon by any stretch, but we don’t have any of those on our roster, but good with his hands and terrific hockey sense. Something tells me we will be seeing him skate out again.

The Red would keep it up and the game would continue for almost another whole period, well into the second as a 1-0 affair. The Tiger keeper wasn’t tested often for sure, but Lizzy was holding her ground well, and the Red was doing a nice job containing the Tigers chances and getting the occasional shot.
El Tigre would score again at 9:21 of the second period, when old friend number 8 made some niffty moves in the low post and landed a nice bid. The Cats up 2-0.
The Red wasn’t Dead just yet though, and there certainly was some Zombie Pride as the Red geared up and started to take the game a bit more to them. The Matvey line did some nice work in the offensive zone that paid off. After keeping it in the zone Jeff Fosdick shot on net and Matvey was right there in front to collect the rebound and jam it home to put the Dead on the scoreboard and back in the game. 2-1 Tigers.
Unfortunately the Red couldn’t hold onto the momentary shift of momentum, and the Cats went back up by 2 when they scored with 4:20 remaining. This one came after they cycled the zone for what seemed like a long time and 55 buried a hard shot from about 10 feet…fed by number 8… That was how the second ended 3-1 badguys but the Zombies feeling that they were very much still in the game.

Less than a minute into the third the cats ate again from our plates.They kept the puck in our end and popped one home at 16:25. Then again at 15:10 our friend Number 8 capped another impressive drive. The Cats were off and running, smelling the blood in the water as it were, and kept after the sluggish Zombies the rest of the game. 8 would score again to complete the hat trick (again) at 11:40, and not to be considered slackers they put in a Seventh goal with a minute twenty two remaining. Safe to say the third was all theirs... all four goals worth. Matvey had an excellent summary of what happened in the third from the parking lot.
"We got tired and stopped skating." Too true my man.
The Red barely got a sniff as the last frame expired and the Zombies sulked back to the locker room. Aside from the disasterous third the game had been hard fought and a fun skate.
I know what you are thinking so let me say this right off the bat... Lizzy did struggle in the last period, but she certainly didn't get a lick of help from anyone wearing a red jersey. The three goals they scored in the first 6 minutes or so of the period all came after multiple chances and what seemed like endless play in our own end. Lots of chasing... not much catching.
Sigh. Lets see if we can do better in the playoffs against these Cats... otherwise the 'Coon might be having some freshly processed Zombie Cat-Chow for supper...
No Game Stars.
Only 1 penalty, Greg James in the third for interference.
Some fourth period notes for you. Dr. Pounds once again provided the cold domestic beverages much to everyone's delight.

Major props go out to The Manning Familly and particullarly Melissa (Kevin's wife) for bringing the kids to the game. It was nice to have a few fans and little Emily Manning could be heard all night. Big props for 6 week old Thomas for making the game as well. Thanks guys!
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