Monday October 19th
UMass 7:00pm
3-3 Tie
Another week, another double header matchup at the Prison by the Bay. This was thankfully the last double pair of games in the early going... the blogger is knocking on wood... and hopefully we wont have any more games scheduled at this lovely venue. From paying to park, to it being close to the arctic circle, but yet still in Boston, to the lack of lockerooms or space to change in general... ahh it just goes on and on.
The Suds were once again thin as a result of the doubleheader but put a good crew out there. Here's your roster. We were backed by Mark Marrese who was a fill in for both squads on this night. We needed Mark because Matt and Kerry had their second child on Saturday night, the lovely Laura Katherine Kilroy.
The rest of the lineup was this.
Their keeper was a huge dude with a red helmet, not their regular guy and we couldn't get a thing by him. The guy just gobbled everything up. My recollection being far *ahem* from perfect but I think we spent the whole night in their zone. Remember we were fresh because this was still only the first game of the night.
Their keeper was a huge dude with a red helmet, not their regular guy and we couldn't get a thing by him. The guy just gobbled everything up. My recollection being far *ahem* from perfect but I think we spent the whole night in their zone. Remember we were fresh because this was still only the first game of the night.

I know that Nelson would lead off the scoring, unassisted and put the 'Cans out in front early. The Predators would counter though and score two decent goals of their own before the first period was out.
The second period would see Mike "Goody" Goodwin score a nice goal on a feed from Matt Elliot. Steve Baker would take a penalty for slashing, and Dan DWH Herbert would go for a hook also during the second.
The game would go to the third 2-2 . I'm pretty sure that the Predators scored next and we were down for a few minutes but I really dont remember. Anyone that does remember please, please comment on the post and let us all know how it turned out.
I do know that Goody would score again, this time from DWH and the tie would be salvaged from a game that really we felt like we should have won going away. I can't stress enough how well the Predator keeper played.
For his part Mark did a nice job filling in and we were very glad to have him.
Tie... still no game stars.
So again this game led directly into the nightcap, featured in the next post...
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