Thursday, June 5, 2008

Schedule Update ... its exciting...

Here are the games for the rest of June. Two more team on team events planned and some visits by some old friends that we haven't seen in a while. Check your schedules...especially for Tuesdays... and get back to Management if you know you have any conflicts.
I can't really offer an explanation for the included photo... I just couldn't come up with a good excuse to use it. The June schedule seemed to fit this morning. Hm... maybe schedule posts could be designated hockey babe posts... yeah... feel free to comment and enjoy.

Next Tuesday June 10th Schlidaveur #2!
@ BU 10:20 pm

Tuesday June 17th Cadavers vs. Double Runners
@ Quincy 10:10pm

Thursday June 19th Schlitz vs. Blues
@ BU 10:20pm

Sunday June 22nd Schlitz vs Deep Freeze
@ Canton 10:20pm

Tuesday June 24th Schlidaveur #3!
@ BU 9:10pm

Tuesday July 1st Cadavers vs. Blues
@ Canton 7:00pm

Wednesday July 2nd Schlitz vs Scapegoats
@ Quincy 8:10pm


Anonymous said...

I am now a Canadians fan.....

Anonymous said...

Go Habs!

FearlessFoz said...

So I take it we like the idea of Hockey babe avec Schedule...?