The Blogger had to share some of the immediate email smack talk... and post it... just because it has been pretty good so far. This is all Goon Smack the next post will have Byng Smack...

Scott Pounds (Goons) sez: Here is a photo obtained by our moles of the Schlitz [Byngs} practicing their defensive zone strategy.

Greg James (Goons) sees it going something like this.

Billy Pearlman (Goon) adds this: "Goon Cadavers vs. Lady Bings cover...check it out!"
as well as this....
"Lady Bing Team Picture"

....notice how the Goon misspelled Byng.

Another from Dr.Pounds:
Chuck Norris says: “The Cadavers don’t shoot the puck. The puck flees in terror from their sticks.”
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