Alright, alright. A nice sounding win for a change...esp at the prison by the bay. Here with the long and short of it are the guest bloggers.....
iJosh with the "short & sweet recap": Pretty much our game all night. We scored about 15 seconds into the game. Were up 4 - 0 at one point. They got as close as 5 - 2 with the final score rounding out at 6 - 2. Their goalie was pretty bad. Our fill-in goalie was decent.
A very nice recap from Chris Fosdick:
Lines were:Chris F. LW, Larry C, Nelson RWScott LW, iJosh C, Ken G. RW Roman floated Defense: DWH, Dan G., Mark V., Bill P.I scored 2 and 1 assist, I know Larry scored 2, Scott scored 1, Dan G. scored 1, Larry had two PIM's and iJosh got a dbl minor for a meele that erupted with about 2 mins left in game. One of their guys hacked Ken down next to their net, then iJosh crosschecked him from behind and continued to crosscheck him while he was on the ice, at which point one of their guys (#11) comes off their bench and tackles iJosh. Meelee ensues.
Generally, we were all over them most of the game. My line was passing like we knew what we were doing. There were so many close chances that the score could easily have been 20 - 2.
D played great coming back after pinching a little too much. Bill P and Mark both caught up to save a few odd man rushes. We did let up about 4 clean breakaways, but Brian denied all but one. Both goals they scored were good ones, nothing to apologize for on the goalies part.
4th period was good with Mark & Larry, Scott, and Myself supplying beer.
Good gratifying spanking of a weak team. Nice to get thrown a bone once in a while.
Larry on the "melee": The end of the game featured some melee as Ken "the Goon" Goldenberg was sniffing around the net for a rebound just before the whistle blew. The deep freeze defense took exception and planted Ken on his ass. IJosh stood up for his teammate and quickly retaliated on the df dfense. Then, #11 on df came skating off the bench straight into the crease and cross-checked Ijosh from behind. The resulting call - 2 minor penalties on df, one on #11 (who should have been thrown out) and one on the dfense who planted Goonberg. Double minor for Ijosh.
iJosh himself on the "melee": "With about 4 or 5 minutes left in the game, Ken (Mitch) tried to put a loose puck into the net and wound up just hitting the goalie's glove (and apparently knocking it out). The whistle blows and Mitch is hit from behind and hits the ice. That prompted me to take out the guy who started it, with a solid hit. Some pushing ensued and some f*gg*t jumps off the bench and gives me blindside crosscheck. No more hits are thrown as it is stopped pretty quickly unfortunately. Somehow, the guy who started it and the guy who jumped off the bench to join in (should be an automatic game misconduct) get a single minor each. I somehow get the ire of the fat-assed, lazy referee who slaps me with a double minor. His reason? It was a crosscheck from behind (um, and I didn't get crosschecked from behind). Anyway we scored again during the 5 on 5 that resulted and the game ended. Good times indeed."
The Official Scoresheet from Larry...
1: LB from Chris
2: Big Dan from Ijosh?
3: Chris from Nelson
4: LB from Nelson
5: Scott from Roman
6: Chris unassisted.
LB 2 Penalties
IJosh 2 Penalties
This came in from Billy P: "One last thing, you know the scene in the beginning of SlapShot when the guy comes up to Reggie Dunlap and says he shitfaced and if anyone hits him he's gonna piss himself? Well, the DF had this asian kid on defense who apparently was shitfaced. He probably pissed himself too, because your bro Chris took him down like a ton of bricks during a scramble in front of the net, that left the guy 'twitching' on the ice. Later on, during a scrum at the blue line he ran into me and fell like a ton of bricks and did the whole twitching on the ice thing again. Numerous times all night he would take these horrific falls (due to lack of skating ability) and slowly get back up, only to have it happen again and again. It was pretty amusing!"
Game Stars:
3rd Star:Nelson Sharfman. Two assists from the ever-hard working veteran.
2nd Star: Larry Bell. Two goals and a pair of penalties for the always relevant to the scoresheet Mr. Bell.
1st Star: Chris Fosdick. How about 2 goals and an assist for the night. Not to mention a solid blog contirbution AND he brought beer. The guy does it all. Great work bro'.
See you all this week!
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