Winter 2007-2008 Season Wrap Up
Another successful year down in the books and this time not only did both teams make the playoffs but both teams made the Championship Game... twice. The Golden Schlitz managed to wrap up the First Winter Season Championship in either franchises history with a big win in a double-daveur. The Schlitz are now two time, back to back Champs and head into the Summer 08 season with a target on their backs.
This was a really fun season, lots of games, and a whiz bang finish... who could ask for anything more? Let's stroll down memory lane and take a look at the season that was...
Things got kicked off in chilly, crappy, I can't freaking believe I have to pay to park here, UMass a way back in October. Most of the games in October were at UMAlcatraz but there were promises and hopes for the second half of the season in hopes that we wouldn't be skating there all the time.
Before you knew it we were up to the first Schlidaveur of the 07/08 season. That one was noteable as Nelson took a turn in net for the Cads that night and won the game!
Thankfully he wasn't needed for the rest of the season, but due to Goaltender issues (injury, unavailability) Matt Kilroy ended up starting 13 games total during the season and played pretty well. Once again Managment puts it on the line for both clubs... way to go Matty. I wont mention his record for the year but his GAA of 4.69 wasn't too shabby for a beginner... and considering some of the games he played had some very high scores.
The Second Schlidaveur also was a good game, this one highlighted by a double 'cooning and a nice welt on Kevin Parker's thigh.... Not long after there was some serious grilling and some new and old blood added to the mix during and after Schlidaveur Round 3. November closed out with this blog err.. game err... whatever it was... I surely dont remember.
December didn't have a ton of action... or games, but we managed to slip in Schlidaveur Round 4 before the fat man came down the chimeny.
It wasn't long into the new year and CEO BMF Matt Kilroy got his First win in Net. Then there was the epic Campbell Poly-Pavillion Event under the lights at Mike's house. Pics too.
We found a new and exciting way to split the teams in Schlidaveur #5 going with the Goons vs the Lady Byngs... that didn't work out so well for the Byngs... this game also featured the debut of the six foot sammich!
The Schlitz closed out the month with another wild game against the Windsuckers that featured a number one star night for Ken Goldenberg.
Feburary had a couple special nights, despite only having a few games the whole month, but on the 5th we played a double header against the Clinic teams... that was special because it was the LAST GAMES AT UMASS! Woo Hoo!
Later on in the month the Return of Lizzy marked a wild night in Brockton.
March came in like a Lion eating our breakfast with this game....
Then the Schlidaveur Madness Continued with the 6th and final regular season installment. These teams were picked special.... Good Lookin' and Not So Good Lookin' and the rosters stuck for the coming playoffs.
Rookie Blake Underhill took Number One Star at the end of March in a nice win over the Lobsters.
April brought the Playoffs and another series of exciting games. Leading up, of course to the UltimateDoubleChampionshipDaveurPaLooza. With Pics of course.
Another great year ends in another Title for the Golden Schlitz... that has a nice ring to it.
Great work by everyone on the combined roster, and the subs, and the add-ons and the old friends visiting for a game or two... You all contributed to a successful year.
Feel free to add some comments about your favorite game of the season or any tid-bits you may recall from the Parking Lot or Locker Room.
Feel free to add some comments about your favorite game of the season or any tid-bits you may recall from the Parking Lot or Locker Room.
The Blogger would like to personally thank all of the Guest Bloggers without whom the pages of the blog would be incomplete. Thanks very much for sending in your words, thoughts, and pictures, they were all great.
Well... I've got to get back to my rigorous offseason training routine.... "Why yes I think I would like the large Steak and Cheese, thank you..." I'm sure you are all doing the same.
Summer starts next week. See you then.

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