Monday November 3rd
Milton Academy 9:00pm
7-1 Loss....
Eww. Well it looks like someone has been doing some roster improvement over the last season or so. We haven't played these guys in a while and they certainly had a few new things to show us when the Golden Beercans met up with the Lobsters at Milton Academy on Monday night.
This one had some late arrivers due to traffic snarls... imagine that, traffic in Boston...hm. But the crew that showed tried hard and everyone desrves some credit for good effort against what apparently was a formidable opponent. Take note, the Cads will play this crew next coming up on Sunday night (11/9 Canton 10:30).
Lets throw it out to a great group of Guest Bloggers who have covered the game...
Here are the boys.
First responder credit goes to Mark Reynolds... but he didn't have any good news.
"The recap is we sucked. We got outplayed, out skated, out passed, etc.
Brian did a great job, or the score would have been worse than 5-1."
...whoa. Ok thanks Mark, lets see what Mike Campbell has for us.
"Hmmm.... Any word on last nights game? Any word? Let's see. Here are
a few I used to described last night to my wife this morning:

We got beat. Badly. Started out with six guys (Me, Mark, Chuck, Cark,
Ken and Parker) until 2:08 left in the first. Construction on 93 South
kept the Cavalry at bay for the whole first period. This applied to the
Lobsters (or Lasers, or Lesbos...not sure who they actually were -
mainly because they were deeking me out of my shorts for most of the
night) as well as us, but their Cavalry was a LOT better.
Although we thought could skate with them early on, it was still 2 to 1 when the Cavalry arrived, and before most of our additional guys skated a single shift, it went to 3 to 1. In the first period, this looked like a team we could beat. They had one good skater (#16), but otherwise, we were better than they were. As Parker noted in the locker room after the game, "They got better fast." Their additions included a lot of ladies, and a few guys, all of whom were pretty good. Our
additions included Larry, George, Valenti, Daley and Big Dan, and well as Fitzy who didn't know there was a locker room and got dressed benchside.
additions included Larry, George, Valenti, Daley and Big Dan, and well as Fitzy who didn't know there was a locker room and got dressed benchside.

They stick handled well, and moved the puck through us for much of the
night. Too many times we were out of position, or blew our chances when
we had an open pass to make. We had a few good shifts with some
pressure, and a couple of break-aways, but their entire team (including
the goalie - who seemed pretty soft to start the night) changed with
their new players. Unfortunately, ours didn't. Brian played pretty
well, but it wasn't his night either. We made sure it wasn't his night
by giving up probably 25 or so odd-man rushes.
Ended up 7 to 1, I think.
I don't recall who got our goal, but I know Ken and Valenti each got one
penalty, and I got called for Checking. In fact, this is the very first time I have ever been called for Checking. Usually it is Roughing, or Tripping or Slashing and there's the occasional Boarding, but never a Check before. Then again, I don't think I have ever done what I did last night before. After being beaten for what felt like an hour by #16 (it was only a period and a half, but I was on the ice all but two shifts), and occasionally being beaten very badly, he came across the blue line carrying the puck (again) and was about to slip it between my legs, or under my stick, or through my shin (again) when I simply stopped skating backwards, and laid an open-ice check on him, straight in the middle of his chest. He stopped on a dime (but to Valenti and Larry's disappointment, not on his ass), didn't beat me that time, and I was sent to the box to George screaming from the bench, "You knew you were gonna get called for that."
Yup. I did.
He didn't go through my legs again though. He beat me a few more times,
but not through my legs.
Kudos to Larry for bringing beer. In fact, kudos to all of you North
Shore guys, because we would have been MISERABLE had you not stuck it
out through the traffic. Better luck next time.
Overheard in the parking lot, "Well, at least we're breeders."
Fucking hysterical.
~ Mike
Tremendous guest Blog Mike... great work even if it sounded like a long night at the rink. Thanks a lot for your words and stories. We had a few other comments that were note worthy.
Larry added this:

...and Dr. Pounds posted this. I dont think I've figured it out yet...
The compound yew stick sounds sweet. "
The compound yew stick sounds sweet. "
... um thanks Scott.
Well... lets get them next time... The Cads play these guys on Sunday night so lets be ready.
This is soooo gay
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