Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Final Regular Season 'Daveur a Doozy!

Cadavers vs Schlitz
Tuesday 2/22
Dedham 10:10pm

5-5 Tie(what else did you expect?)

The last scheduled Schlidaveur of the regular season proved to be a memorable one, a tired one, and a tied contest, which has become something of a trend.

Management was hamstrung making rosters for this one. While the whole list would be picked in anticipation of setting the playoff rosters there was a quite small availabliltiy list.

Pregame lockerrooms had 8 for Gold and 6 for Red and a lot of guys saying to themselves “plenty of ice time tonight..:” The result was a 7 on 7 game which was only possible after a lockeroom trade sent Roman from the Gold to the Red to even up the sides.

Brian Carey in net
Greg James
Roman(gold trade)

Jon Cole in net
Matt Elliot

So there you have it. Going to be a long night for everyone but the two squads faced off and showed a far from breakneck, but totally appropriate moderate pace. There was no lack of trying. Both teams had chances early and clearly were looking to get something going. Both sides had good talent and the game looked pretty even but everyone was cautious given no one knew what the end of the game would look like. Red would jump out to a quick lead. Playing pretty smart and thanks to good forward effort and movement the Cads kept a good chance in the Gold end. Greg James back again from hiatus, and in what he called his “first real game back” let a nice shot go and put the dead up 1-0. Greg also had a couple nice rushes that he broke off like no time had passed at all.

Larry would come up with the next one off the feed from Jeff and the opportunistic Zombies firmly grabbed the upper hand. They werent done either as Jeff would finish a play from Roman and the lead was up to 3-0 by the end of the first. This even after Greg James went for a trip in the first half of the period. Baker took a call for a check in the third but those were the only penalties in the contest. No blood on either.

The second would see the Gold start to come back to life a little. Mike Daley would make a nice play unassisted and zipped one past Brian, who as I recall wasn’t left with much help. The Red was still doing a good job playing their game but it was clear Gold wouldn’t stay down all night.

The Third was a scene. The game opened right up shortly after Roman led of scoring for the Red unassisted. But the Suds would fare much better this period and shortly after Matt Elliot would pick up a rebound a flip it home for the second goal. Red would counter right back when Scott Pounds would take a nice feed from Roman and buried it to make the game 5-2 Red.

Ok. This was close to halfway through the period. I’m not sure because Linda the scorekeeper was chatting away over her BudLite (alleged) filled coffee cup with the ‘boni driver and she couldn’t remember to put the times down. Sigh. Its not like I ask her every time to put the time… sorry.

The Gold were down by 3 goals with less than 10 minutes left but clearly the were still in the game as the Cads were starting to show some cracks. Dan Herbert would rip a wrister on a solo rush and it was a 2 goal game. I’m telling you, the stench of the Red panick was thick but time was dwindling and they still could hold on… maybe.

The Gold were just getting going. Once they started to gain momentum it was impressive. Fueled by Daleys always pumping legs, and DWH’s long strides the Suds really started to press. Baker was caught up in the momentum and seemed to find that other gear we only get glimpses of. The Red D which had been solid for most of the night was clearly chasing as DWH did circles in the zone with Jeff a step behind following him all over the place but unable to catch him.

Daley would score again, fed from Elliot in a play right in front. Less than 5 to go and it was a one goal game. You could see it coming apart at the seams for Red. With just over a minute DWH would tie the game from the high slot, feed from Dan Gregson and that would be the contest. A tremendous effort by the guys in Gold who staged a terrific comeback. 5-5 tie. With 14 total skaters. A three goal lead blown and a 5 goal 3rd period. Its always something new isnt it?

Game Stars

3rd star: Roman Kurin. The last minute trade turned out to be huge for the Red in a couple of ways. Aside from making it an even game, he had two helpers and a goal in the almost winning but not quite effort. Good game Roman.

2nd Star: Mike Daley. Clearly another gear when it counted. 2 goals and about 1000miles on the ice for the night.

1st Star: DWH for the game tieing goal with about a minute to go, and his second of the period. He, like Daley just had an unbelievable 3rd frame. Its all about when you turn it on, and how you play in crunch time kids.

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