Sunday, February 28, 2010

Great moments... Great opportunity...

Sunday February 28

Olympic Ice Center

Good luck today Team USA.
I can tell you this, there won't be any Molson, Canadian or Golden, in the house today. No Labatts at the top of the garage stairs for the afternoon game. No way.
My beverage will be from Anhieser Busch St. Louis Missouri thank you very much. All American today, because the Gold is on the line and our brothers to the north stand in the way between US and the highest spot on the podium. Like all battles between brothers, it is sure to be passionate, emotional, and most of all, desperately hard fought.
So we've brought out the 4th of July buntings here at Schlidaveur World Headquarters, we've got MIRACLE playing on a non-stop dvd loop in the other room. The voice of Al Michaels wafts through the house bringing occasional shivers, and strange misty visions. A tale thirty years old is told again to a new generation and by this afternoon the living room will be echoing with the chanting... U S A, U S A, U S A...
Good luck boys. Get after those Canucks and show them that while they may claim the game is theirs by birthright... tonight the title belongs to US.

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