Friday, December 5, 2008

Schlidaveur Sunday!

Looks to be the turnout of turnouts for the big SUNDAY SCHLIDAVEUR EVENT.

Schlitz vs Cadavers
Sunday December 7th
4:00pm Milton Academy

We should have pleanty of players for both squads. Management is still working out the roster details so they will be soon to follow.
Extra Extra! Here are your Sunday 'Daveur Rosters Hot off the Press.
The teams were picked by iJosh and Dr. Jasse and here they are!
The numbers next to some of the names are the order picked(for just top 10)

Jasse's Cadavers
Roman, Matvey, Campbell - 6, Jeff Foz,
Chris Foz - 10, Gregson, Dan H - 2, Blake,
Valenti - 4, Reynolds - 8, Mike F, Carl S,
Kevin, Brian In Net - 1

Ijosh's Schlitz
Nelson - 7, Ken G, Scott, Matt K, Larry - 3
Pearlman, Hammitt, Elliot, Greg James - 9,
George - 5, Capraro, Mike D - 1, Stefan,
Lizzie in Net - 2

Remember we will be hanging at the house of Dr. and Mrs. Jasse after the game.
Check the multiple emails from this week for location and directions.
Looks like we will have a big turnout of players and their families which is really great.
It would be awesome to get a massive group pic with everyone at some point.

There will be a gamestory on last night soon but just to let you know it was a big win for the Suds... who really needed one.

See you Sunday!

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