Our elite panel decided the best way to lay it out for us. The word was bitter but rang true. The reality is (and I think we all knew this going in...) we aren't what you'd call... a hot bunch of guys. So this is how the Panel was able to set it out in realistic terms.
One group is really a bunch of guys they would consider "hot" after drinking about 2 beers.
That's pretty good if you think about it. These are post-doctoral graduate students we are talking about here... they probably drink a lot.
So we'll take it. They'll be the "Hot after 2 brews" and they will skate as the Schlitz.
Nelson, Parker, J.Foz, Gregson, DWH, C.Foz, Greg, Elliott, Capraro, Chuck, Roman, Valenti, and Kilroy.
So the other group... well according to the judges... its going to take a few more beers.
The second team will be the guys they would consider "hot" after drinking 4 beers.
Again (just the bloggers opinion) I think this isn't so bad... maybe we're not that bad looking after all. They'll be the "Better after 4" and skate as the Cadavers.
Larry, Hammit, Ken/Mitch, BlakeU, iJosh, Mark B., Matvey, Daley, Stephan, Campbell, and Jasse.
So check out the pics and comments for the teams posted below.... and enjoy.
Special thanks from Management go out to our elite panel of judges... Sara and Miriam. We couldn't have run this sham without you. Thanks for being good sports, and thanks for taking the time to give us a clever comment on every selection.
The 'daveurs appreciate it.
We were also glad to see that you guys looked like you had some fun with it.
Thanks again.

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