Schlitz vs Scapegoats
Olympic Div Championship
Thursday Sept. 18th
Canton 9:30pm
2-1 WIN WIN WIN!Another season, another chance for the skating beercans to play for the title. This time around there were interesting circumstances (well… really when isnt there?) the team wasn’t sure they were playing until the result of the Sitniks/Inglejacks game on Monday night. Then after calculating the tiebreakers and a special email conference from the league it was worked out. On the graces of their goals against The Schlitz, at 2-1 had the chance to play the 3-0 and looking unbeatable Scapegoats for the division championship. This, even after the Suds had taken a sound thrashing from these very Goats in game number 2 of this playoff season. So thanks to the collapse of the Soviets/Sitniks the Suds were in. You really can’t ask for more team. The teams were put in separate divisions, but still managed to make their respective championship games. Team Zombie had their chance on Monday night, but fell short against El Tigre. So last night Larry’s Suds took on the mighty Goats for the title.
It just also happens that the blogger found some work to do and stayed late at the office so he could be there to take in the proceedings. It would be a shame, wouldn’t it friend reader of the blog, if the team won and no one was there to record the moment? So as the teams took the ice, a full 13 (after a late showing Larry, Valenti and Chuck got their act together) for the Suds and the blogger doing his best Mike Millbury impression behind the bench. Here’s how your Suds Championship Game Roster Looked.
D1; Campbell, Capt.George
D2; James, Valenti
O1; Larry, Chris Foz, Gregson
O2; Nelson, Hammitt, Sullivan
O3; Matvey, Chuck, Blake
Coach: BloggerThe Goats would take the ice with only about 8 or 9 players to start. This meant the ‘cans had the early advantage, particularly since the man everyone was looking for (number 18) was not in attendance. In the early going Team Gold tried to establish short shifts and pushed the game

right at the Goats trying to get to them a soon as possible. This led to some early chances and the Gold sustained a few shifts of pressure in the ‘goats end.
It was the second or third full time through the lines when the game took its first break. In a typical hard work effort Nelson and Sully worked back and forth to each other in the offensive zone. As the goats scrambled Valenti slid way down from the point all the way to the low slot on the goalies right.
Nelson worked to Sully (or the other way around) then over to
Valenti who was all alone and buried the first goal of the game.
The Gold seemed to take it in stride and continued the hard work and pressure, but things were changing on the goats bench. Two players came in about the time of the goal. Then at the 9 minute mark the man we’d been waiting for showed up. 18 immediately took a few shifts and unloaded a few of his trademark blistering slappers. Big Kudos to
Big Mike Campbell for taking his first blast right off the shin pads. It was clear the gold would have to pay attention. The first period would end with the good guys up 1-0. The second would see the start of a
disturbing trend of Gold players going to the box. The first up was Campbell at 15:33 in the second for a rough. The Gold knuckled up and killed the penalty with noteoworthy performances from both
Matvey and Chuck on the kill.
The Gold would stay after it protecting the one goal lead. Brian Carey made a Huge stop on a nice shot with 6:50 in the second that help keep team Suds alive. Unfortunately they wouldn't make it out of the period unscathed as the 'Goats would score on a long break with 2:13 left in the second to tie it up. To make matters worse the Suds would take another penalty with only secons left on the clock in the second so we would start the third, tied 1-1 but on the PK again.
So there you have it.
One period to go for the trophy and a man down out of the gate. Again the Gold would do a very nice job on the kill, but more trouble came nearly as soon as the kill was completed. This time Hammitt would get a whistle at 14:30 for a high stick and (trend here...) the Gold would scramble, once again successfully, through another man down situation. The good news was that so far all the kills were successfull, the bad news was that we weren't done... by a long shot.

With just over 10 minutes in the game it took another big shift.
Greg James took the puck from our own blue line (just inside) and
charged up the right side. He worked low, drawing all kinds of attention then
ripped one in front where Matvey, parked on the doorstep
plopped it into the net for a 2-1 lead. Things were looking good for the Suds, but the Goats were pressing all the harder as we went down the streatch.
Less than a minute after the goal Brian would have another huge save, this time on thier guy #18 that squelched a good chance by the goats. The Gold would counter with strong shifts from Larry's line, and a great chance by Chuck right in front just under 4 minutes.
The pressure mounted as we entered the final minutes. Unfortunatley the Zebra's whistle was not done for the night. at 2:16 Nelson was called for a slash as he covered (albeit agressively) the opposing player in the slot. Iffy... no question of contact... but with 2 min left in the championship game? Curious. Back to the kill.
Despite some great work, and being able to clear the puck a few times, the Gold were dumbfounded when the whistle sounded again. This time Hammitt for a rough with 1:29 remaining. Again, no question of contact, but suddenly the stuff that was going free all game was now getting called. At the very least this penalty got a matching call so the teams stayed at 5-4. Lets note here that the verbal outrage from the Gold bench, and on the ice was not buying us any good will at all with the zebs...especailly comments about them "throwing the game". While I understand, (and agree) with the sentiment, it only pissed them off to the point where the younger guy was yelling back at the bench.
Both pairs of D did great work in these final minutes. Like wise Larry and co. up front were digging hard to keep the puck out to the goats hands.
As hard as this may be to believe friend, the Zebras weren't done. The Ref calls George with 53 seconds remaining for an "interference" (likely the product of our own mouths). Now the Gold faced a 2 man down situation, and the 'goats would pull their keeper to make it 6-3 until Nelson came out of the box. This only lasted a short time, but it was long enough.
Just in case you are keeping track, that's 4 penalites in the 3rd period, another in the last 10 seconds of the 2nd (so really 5 kills in the third), and 3 of those inside the last 2:30. If that doesn't say something about the Referre's willingness to make calls against us... I dont know what does.
Nelson would join Larry and I can't recall which D pair (I'm sorry guys) to work the final 30 seconds of the game. The goats would get one more good chance but Brian Carey sucked it up with 10 seconds on the clock to shut it down.
The Gold would escape with the win as they kept the puck away for the last few ticks of the clock.
Great work by everyone in a real thriller that makes a veritable 3-Peat for the guys with the Beer Label on the Jerseys.
Game Stars3rd Star: The D corps. This is kind of a cop out because they all deserve big time credit. Mike Campbell, Greg James, George Moorachian, and Marc Valenti outworked the 'goats forwards all night and did a tremendous job clearing the zone on the MULTIPLE penalty kills. These guys were the backbone of everything that happend in this game.
2nd Star: Matvey for the Game winner. Right where he needed to be!
1st Star: Brian Carey. Great work, and a bunch of really solid saves that kept this one winnable. Clearly Brian picked the right night to turn in one of his best performances of the season. Thanks!
Overheard in the Locker Room: From MC "Next seasons mantra should be, no one, not anyone, regardless of the situation can talk to a zebra... about anything." Seconded.
Great work by everyone. Nice to leave the game with shirts and a trophy and this one was a bit unlikely given the fact that this team had handed it to us, nearly the exact same roster, just 2 weeks before. Everyone on the roster earned their shirt. Congrats.
The blogger also wants to thank Emma, Grace and Scout for posing with Dad's new trophy and adding some genuine "cuteness" to the blog. Thanks!
Gregson and Chuck looking good (not cute) in thier new shirts.