The Blogger apologises for not updating in so long... that damndable work thing just keeps getting in the way. I will have some game stories up later today or by tomorrow sometime to let you know how we are doing. We've had a tough stretch of double game nights that really makes it tough for our system to work its magic. Next week is no exception given that we will have two at Dedham on Monday night. More on that later.
Looking in the rearview mirror the news is good and bad.
I've added these posts so I've now linked them in here for your convenience...
Last monday we beat the Tigers farily handily with a good lineup.
Thursday night was a double at U-Ass that turned out to be just an awful night at the rink. A 2-1 loss to the CH Terriers which was a shame given that we played the entire game in their end... then followed by a simple drubbing 6-2 at the hands of the Scapegoats.
This week the news was a little better as we tied (should have won...) the Predators 3-3, again after spending most of the night in their end, then a big win 4-0 over the Lobsters in the nightcap. I will have game stories on both all of these coming up in the next day or so.
It also needs to be noted that Management has spawned again... that's right CEO Matt Kilroy and his lovely wife Kerry were joined by little baby Laura Kathrine Kilroy on Saturday night. All concerned are resting and a happy at the Kilroy homestead. Big congrats and love from all the 'daveurs to Matt, Kerry, Herbie and little Laura.
Ok... back to work... more later... really... i promise... no... really.
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