Monday November 24
BU 10:20pm
8-1 loss
Wow strange stories coming back from this one. The Lobsters seem to have improved themselves greatly recently and we've had a few feisty matchups with the new girls and unfortunately we have not been on the good side of the final score. First game we lost. The second time we earned a hard fought tie. This one was similar to the first beat down but offered some extra curriculars that weren't so prevalent in the first meeting.
I'm going to let our gal in the pipes Lizzy take this one with a few "colorful" comments on how this one went down.
Here's Lizzy:
" I am sure there will be lots of guest bloggers today, b/c last nights game was like a circus of fairies...Well I used to play against the lobsters alot a few years ago and the were nothing like they way they are now, they used to be a like really friendly team. Now they are like the whiniest and dirtiest team. They played real chippy, yet they were still able to draw penalties every 2 mins. Aside from that they whine to the ref every 2 secs. Its like shut the f up.
From a goalie p.o.v the first period was pretty even, 2 goals scored in the last few mins of the first period and they were truly fluke goals, one was a like a pass and one fell out of my glove on a one on one. However the lobsters, were already playing dirty, by crashing the net, and diving, and using their stick to hook, trip etc. But only we were getting penalties.

The third period was the worst though. The Refs were constantly favoring the lobsters and we had penalties like every two min's. Again, the lobsters were diving and playing dirty. At one point Matvey got crossed check in the head from behind, I could see it clearly, as could my mom who was in the stands.
The lobsters scored three more goals one which, went in by them just crashing in to the net and pushing the puck in. My finger got skated over and I was pissed so as, the game came to an end they crashed the net again so I told them to chill the f out b/c the score was 8-1. So number 15 I think said "take a tampon you bitch" So, I thought carefully about what to say and I decided to call him a c**k sucker as not to discriminate, but I also used another c word to in my anger.
There was a penalty shoot after this because a girl on the other team got hooked, and the ref said he felt obligated to call a penalty.(?)
Then with only seconds left in the game Kenny fought back when he got pushed and a fight ensued. Kenny was on the ground at on point and who he had a couple of lobsters on him. I don't know who jumped in but people jumped in to help. the fight got broken up and the game was over. Most of the Lobsters left without shaking hands. I know the refs from work so they spoke to me about the game and said they had to give me some "paperwork" for the game. This was the funniest part it was like some suspension paper for Greg...and they were like this is official, and they told me to give the paper to Greg, they were trying to be serious but they new it was funny too...It was so funny. "
Wow. Thanks Liz! That was an EXCELLENT guest blog appearance. Nicely done, especially on your first try. The blogger thanks you. Too bad the game didn't work out the way we like it...
The day after this game the blogger was cc'd on a sent document from Greg protesting his written 2 game suspension. While there is plenty of humor there... none intentional... I dont feel obliged to share it just yet... lets see how his "hearing" with the league goes... if there ever is such a thing.
The story that the bogger heard is this. Newcomer Kenny Douville was taking some heat from one of the shellfish. He didn't like what the dude/dudette was sellin' so he had a few words in the

Greg's description fell along the "I tried to restrain the fighting players...." in the parking lot last night after the Cads game I heard something along the lines of "then Greg flying tackles the guy beating on Douville..." As far as the blog is concerned these are the same thing. Good work Greg... that is unless the league upholds the suspension in which case Schlidaver management frowns upon your hooliganism.... at least that would be our official stance.
Please... Please feel free to comment to help out the blog to rough out the scene from Monday night. Anything you have to add will be welcome. Even if you shellfish are reading... come on and tell your side too.
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