Monday November 17th
Canton 10:40pm
8-0 loss
This one sucked.
I think Campbell mentioned in the parking lot afterward that Paul was giving us our due for having won the division 3 seasons straight. The Suds have had a tough go and havent won many games this season. Last night was no exception....except we were the Cads...
Of course the rink is on a new schedule 10:20 instead of what the website says... but the scorekeeper and refs were cool and waited unitl Brian was out there before they started the pre-game clock.
Regardless the Cads were short handed. The rest of the 'daveurs were at BU playing at the same time so this one was a little on the thin side. We started the game with 8, and Kilroy showed a few minutes into the game to make 9. The roster looked like this.
D: Campbell, Jeff, Kilroy
O: Chris, Larry, iJosh, Ken, Scott, Parker.
Aaaand thats it.
The Rats were pretty good. This club hasn't played them in a long time. It is curious that they had a losing record going into the game and played very well. They had a couple of standout players, 9, and 14 I think were very good, but the topper, clearly the best guy on the ice didn't
have a number... hmmm.... just a plain white jersey. He made sure that whenever the Red got something going, it stopped in a hurry. Just for good measure he would skate it end to end and take a shot or two in case we spent any time in thier zone. It was that kind of night. I'm not calling for any "ringing" endorsements here... we dont know this team well enough... but one of these things... is clearly not like the others.

Any way. I think it was 3-0 by the time Kilroy dressed and made it out to join the team. They scored 2 more in the second, and topped it off with another 3 in the third.
There is a (VERY) small consolation that we kept them from scoring 10. They were clearly
trying. Our friend without the number had many chances in the 3rd, and seemed quite eager to stick it to us repeatedly. That was nice.

Chris had the only penalty, a total bullshit call from our friend Butterball the Zebra. This was early in the game so he wanted to get his hits in before things got out of hand.
That's it. We all felt bad for Brian who didn't get a world of help back there.
The parking lot was a bit of co-miseration. Highlighted... or lowlighted as the case may be, with Parker making a Gregson in a thong reference... I'm serious... and then Larry running over his hockey bag... twice. If that doesn't tell you how the evening went... I don't know what will.
And that's just about all I've got to say about this one... other than we are playing these guys again in the coming weeks. Lets be ready.
Sheesh... edited to account for Gregson's Comment... and the fact that we skated as the Cadavers last night... I think the blogger needs to cut down on the 3 martini lunches....
Weren't you supposed to be the cadavers?
I am so sorry I left before I had the chance to see Larry try to off his hockey equipment. That just made my morning. This coming from a guy who forget his sticks once and his helmet another time....oh and my shin guards once. Not having my pants doesn't count because Jasse stole them.
If we get beaten that badly again, I'm running my equipment over with a truck. My car is too light to do any damage.
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