Friday 7/13
Bavis Arena 8:10
Schlitz 7
Cadavers 4
You know the point in the beer commercial where the guys are sitting back, before the crackling fire, large breasted women handing them freshly cooked steaks, and one of them utters..."Now this is what its all about..." ...? I give you Friday night's shin-dig in Rockland... Schlidaveur Round 3. We had a nice little match with lots of Schlidaveur touches like a comeback, some new blood, some penalties, and a tremendous fourth period. "What its all about.." Indeed.
The Zombies have been snake-bit in this season's Schlidaveurs, whith the Mighty Suds now holding a 2-1-0 record in the three games. Keep in mind there are TWO Schlidaveurs remaining before the end of the summer season so there is hope for the skating dead yet.
Friday's game had it all. A quick scramble for some extra bodies was successful and thanks to Dan Murphy (courtesy Dr.Jasse), Brian Sullivan (courtesy brother Jim), and Kris Wood (courtesy OEJ), we were able to skate 8 players a side.
The teams were even picked by our netminders just before the opening draw. At this point management would like to acknowledge First Overal Pick: Pete Capraro. Wow... this guy was rated high on everyone's draft boards but...#1 overall... nice job. Of course this led to the following overheard in the parking lot; "Jesus went second!" which led to me wondering if Jesus is really not as good a prospect as Pete... Well... like I said... the fourth period was tremendous.
This game settled right into a close affair with lots of chances on both sides, but the goalkeepers did a great job keeping the game low scoring through the first two periods. Lizzy and Mike both had great stops and there was lively action in front of both nets.
We ended up at the end of the second period with the Zombies in Red up by one 3-2 thanks to a goal from Pete Capraro, and a helper from Brian Sullivan (who had a goal also). The game stayed close into the third as the other Sullivan, Jim tied the game for the Suds then gave them the lead with his second of three goals on the night (1 empty netter). The game was tied again by Billy Pearlman with a tremendous slapshot fromt the point that got a little helpful misdirections from some jerseys along the way. Now halfway through the third tied 4-4. This was shaping up to be a classic and the Suds delivered with goals by Nelson Sharfman and Larry Bell, (and Jim's empty netter) that sealed the deal going down the streach. The Zombies didn't go without a fight and everyone played strong to the end . The Cads even pulled Lizzy as time wound down and got some more help from a tackle that Larry put on Billy to give the Red a 2 man advantage, but OEJ and the Suds held tight and pulled out the win.
Some items to note on the game.
DJ had a good night with 2 assists for the Cads.
Nelson is back on the scoresheet with avengence with a 5 point night (2g, 3a) for the Suds.
Capraro had the games only other penalty and the fact that he and Matt Kilroy didn't have a "yard-sale" moment is a huge upset. Those two were going after each other all night like crazed dogs... well sort of. Every so often Mad Matt would go flying across the ice... after Pete or in his direction.
Great job by everyone.
Game Stars.
3rd Star. All three subs. Dan Murphy, Brian Sullivan, and Kris Wood. All 3 made significant contirbutions to thier teams. Thanks for coming out everyone. You are all welcome back any time.
2nd Star: Matt Kilroy for once again being a Beerman Hero and bringing SIX Pizzas for the Apres Skate experience. Always solid Matty... you spoil us.
1st Star: Veteran Star Nelson Sharfman. He was everywhere. In the net, in the corner, on the scoresheet. Great game... must be because you love those shirts so much....
The fourth period was all you could ask for given the pizza, beer from Matt, Scott, Dr.Jasse and Lizzy. Good conversation and chow. Leading to some interesting discussion of "Nutbags" See pic.
Scott gets the "Family Man" award for bringing his lovely family to the game. Big ups to Mrs. Pounds and her Daughters for being our fans for the evening... even though they sat in the "luxury suites" chowing Chinese Food (no fools the Pounds girls...). This game also resulted in a number of interesting "Overheard in the Parking Lot" quotes. Let's rattle off a few.
"That guy Smeagoled him..."
"Well it's better than getting rubbed out..."
"I'm in no hurry... have to give the wife time to get rid of her hockey night boyfriend..."
"I've been trying to get my wife to get one of those. Give me his email... I'll send him the schedule... hey, do what you want, just so long as I can play hockey."
"Who should I have picked.... Jesus F*in Christ?" This I think led to the "Jesus went second" bit...
Well... thats all I got. As always, comments are welcome and encouraged. Throw something in if you don't see it here.
Good luck to the Cads tonight. Good luck to the Suds on Tues. Updates on both games probably Wednesday.
I guess I do have one more thing.
Big Congratulations go out to Mike Campbell and his wife Laura. She did all the hard work and delivered a healthy baby boy Harrison McKinney Campbell on Thurday evening at 5:45pm. All the best to the newborn and your family from the Schlidaveurs.
Update on Scoring. Jim Sullivan for the Schlitz claims he did not have 3 total goals. That means that 1 goal is unaccounted for. The scorekeeper has it as Nelson but he insists he only had 2... are you sure Nelson? Anyone else in Yellow let me know if you were shorted a goal.
Make sure you don't short me my goal (from Jim Sullivan). They don't come easy these days.
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