Monday July 16
Canton 10:40pm
10-2 Loss.
Definitely a "Bad News Bears" night for the skating dead. Apparently there were a few things to overcome, like no water, pucks, and only 9 skaters showed. Despite the fact that the 'Goats only showed up with 7, apparently they took it to us like the Globe Trotters porking the Generals. From the reports trickling in Lizzy didn't get much help and unfortunately took it on the chin pretty well. We really owe that girl some shutouts. Thanks Liz for hanging in there, I know it isn't easy on nights like this.
Goals from Chris Fosdick, and Larry Bell. Assists to Kevin Parker (on both) and Billy Pearlman (on Larry's). Penalties were one each for Larry, Kevin Manning, and Bill. Not much else to speak of yet.
Management apologizes for the lack of bottles and pucks... we keep losing track of who has 'em. Also it seems we could have called in a few more subs, given the no-show rate. Hard to judge that one, no one likes going with too many, so its a delicate balance.
One story of note had Larry trying to toss a guy's glove over the glass after not getting the penalty that should have been called on him (he threw Larry's stick) and it ending up in the net above the glass instead...and then back onto the ice. Hey... in the net isn't so bad...
No game stars.
Lets have a better turn out, numbers wise, and skating wise, next time around.
The Blogger would like to thank Kevin, iJosh, and Larry for the game info.
Go Zombies.
Go Suds ... tonight 8:10 Milton Academy.
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