July 26th
HinghamC 10:20pm
2-2 Tie.
Not a bad night for the Zombies, maybe not "pretty" but...it could have been a tremendous win, and we had our chances but.... not to be. Really there is no shame in the draw. They have a solid club and kept trying hard all night. Lizzy played great making key stops along the way and their keeper played very well too, getting in front of almost everything. If only we could have capitalized on a rebound or two, we could have walked away with it. Not to be, but a very good, hard fought game that should carry some satisfaction.
Everyone that played (a full 13!) deserves credit for skating hard and giving their all. In general we stayed out of penalty trouble despite the chippyness that developed about halfway through. Thankfully the 'Runners mouthed off and complained enought to get the zebras off of our backs. Looking back...these guys were a bunch of whiners. Every time down the ice someone was bitching about something. Their big stand up (half shield) guy, #2 would hit/jab/grab anyone close enough to him to reach and yet would howl like a schoolgirl if you so muched as rubbed against him in the crease. Pussy. Lets have a quick quote from Kevin Manning on how he felt about this guy..."This morning I am sporting a lovely, 4 inch long black and blue on the arm courtesy of #2, the chief punk of the Double Runners." Nice... we'll probably see him again.
The D played great. First pairing Mike Campbell and DWH played awesome all night negating chances and moving the puck out of our zone all night. Second group Greg James and Kevin Manning also created opportunities and played well.
The offense was lead by Nelson Sharfman and his wingers George "The Finger" Moorachain, and of course "Dangerous" Dave Spenciner. Nelson had our first goal of the game on a hard work play from Dave and George. These guys were around the net all night and had buckets of chances. In particular, with the game tied and 5 min remaining they led off after a time out and played their whole shift in the Runners end getting ridiculous pressure. They very nearly won the game for us. Great work.
The second line of Jeff F, Dr. Mike Jasse, and Pete Capraro worked hard and despite several "no-look" and "looking" passes from both Jasse and Capraro we weren't able to get much going. Jeff missed a break away and a clean shot from about 6 feet both in the third....grrr.
The third group was terrific. Starring Matt Elliott who had the second (game tying) goal for us on an unassisted takeaway in their end. Joined by Dan Gregson and Scott Pounds these guys played a lot of time in the offensive end. Scott and Dan had some great chances, any one of which could have fallen. Great work guys.
We were pretty good at keeping our cool with only "usual suspects" Capraro (1) and Campbell (2) going to the box. Gregson gets big ups for taking a cheap shot from that little snot #10 at center ice well after the whistle. Scott also refrained from retaliation after taking a hit on the boards. Luckily thier punk ass play and mouths put them in rough shape with the zebras by the end of the game.
Alright... Game Stars....
3rd Star: Matt Elliott. Dude is a keepah. Legs moving, motor running, this guy has created chances every night he suits up. Great work. Nice effort on the takeaway unassisted goal to tie it up.
2nd Star: Often underappreciated greybeard Nelson Sharfman. Dude also has a motor that doesn't quit. He was crashing around the offensive zone all night wreaking havok in their end. When he wasn't passing or creating a chance he was shooting or beating someone to the puck. Big ups to you my friend.

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