Wednesday 10:00pm *Tomorrow*
Here we go kids. Its that time again. Lets get revved up for some mid-week Schlidaveur action in the City of Champions.
Looks like a solid turn out numbers wise. This is a good rink even if it is on the moon for some of us. Management has been working on some rosters so everyone take a look and find someone you are playing against to rag on. Or talk smack... or whatever. We even have Beerman duties wrapped up at this hour so bring your game, bring your endurance, and bring your thirst for the fourth period.
Mike Campbell 77
Ijosh Greenstein 21
Jeff Fosdick 10
Scott Pounds 83
Matt Kilroy 19
Peter Capraro 52
Larry Bell 16
Michael Jasse 12
Dan Gregson 44
Matt Elliot 88
Greg James 3
Roman Kurin 13
Matvey Nikhamik 25
Nelson Sharfman 14
Dave Spenciner 15
Chris Fosdick 2
Deb Dalessio 24
Mike Hammitt 55
Stefan Wennik 7
Dan Hebert 39
Jim Sullivan 23
Kevin Parker 2
Ok. There are some wild cards here. Campbell and Larry may have last minute issues, if we lose Campbell the Schlitz get Stephan. We also haven't heard from Pearlman so if he shows he can be the fill in or just join the Schlitz regardless of dropouts. I'm sure there will be some last minute roster bouncing just to make sure things are close to even. Any suggestions are welcome.
Lets go... use the comment feature and start running some smack!
See you all tomorrow night.
Dave is going down.
I've been working on this little move. Some have refered to it as being "nutted". Assuming that Fosdick has any, I will demostrate on him.
Can you get the coon of shame for being ugly? I suppose not, or Ijosh would monopolize ownership.
I dont know which would be more exciting...being "nutted" by DJ or getting "rubbed out" by Gregger.
I can't wait to find out.
*whispering to himself*
"please dont let her catch me...please dont let her catch me..."
The all important 4th period herbal remedy will be provided by the good Doctor Jasse.....for medicinal purposes only, of course.
What did the 5 fingers say to the face......SMACK
Cadavers are going down.
Aren't those Cadavers something?
Aren't they, though?
They're sorta funny-looking.
Real funny-looking.
They're probably real good guys.
They couldn't be as dumb as they look.
Yes, they could.
They're just goons.
Reg:"That's right Jim...Goons.
In fact I want to put a challenge to my players right now. I'll give $100 err...thats $2.00 to any one of my guys that puts a lick on that Nelson Sharfman. He's the chief goon on that Syracuse... err..Zombie squad."
Jim: "A...bounty? You're putting a bounty on Nelson Sharfman? Can you do that?"
Good heavens. I've just been handed the Cadavers roster, and it appears the Cadavers management is just real thirsty for a big, grudge-match type victory here tonight.
They've brought back, just for this one contest, some colourful...
Oh, and here they come now, led by someone we all know very well,
Chris "Dr Hook" Fosdick!
And here's a name from the past. Roman "Mad Dog" Kurin!
Roman, as you know, never travels anywhere without his longtime friend and attorney, Sam "Small Print" Lyman!
Here's one for nostalgia fans! Mike "Screaming Buffalo" Hammitt!
I'll never forget an interview I did with him years ago, when Buffalo revealed he liked to call his hockey stick "The Big Tomahawk". He usually refers to opposing players as "The Little Scalps". I thought he'd been suspended for ever.
Deb "Poodle" Dalessio, defence. Deb, of course, has been living in semi-seclusion in Northern Quebec ever since the unfortunate Denny Pratt tragedy.
And from Mile Forty, Saskatchewan, where he now runs a doughnut shop,
number 15, former penalty-minute record holder of the Federal League
for the years 1960 to 1968 inclusive, Dave Spenciner!
Oh, gee. Hold the phone.
This is an unscheduled surprise.
It's him.
This young man has had a very trying rookie season,
what with the litigation, the notoriety, his subsequent deportation to Canada,
and that country's refusal to accept him.
That's more than most 21-year-olds could handle.
Matvey Nikhamik!
"You can have all the talent in the world, but if the pumper's not there, it doesn't matter." (Glen Sather)...
Drink 'em up!
Why is Nelson on the Cadavers. He plays so much better wearing the yellow jersey
These quotes are for Lizzy. My favorite Chief in Slapshot is Johnny Upton:
"Crysler plant, here I come."
"What did the old man trade for these assholes, a used puck bag?"
"These guys are a dammned disgrace."
"They're fuckin' horrible-lookin'."
[At the Chiefs Fashion Show]
Johnny Upton: I'm gonna flash'em, Joe.
McGrath: No, you're not.
Johnny Upton: I'm gonna open up this faggot robe and wiggle my dick at em. And do you know why? Because I want you to have a heart-attack and die so we don't have to do this shit anymore. You and your fucking fashion shows.
10. It's legal to play hockey professionally
9. The puck is always hard.
8. The protective equipment is reusable, and you don't even have to wash it.
7. It lasts a full hour.
6. You know you're finished when the buzzer sounds.
5. Your parents cheer when you score.
4. A two-on-one or a three-on-one is not uncommon.
3. Periods last only 20 min.
2. You can count on it at least twice a week.
1. You can tell your friends about it afterwards.
Hockey Haiku
by Mike Hammitt
Crime Scene: Blood on ice
Long arm of the law goes up,
four minutes high stick.
"I don’t understand the deliberate intent to injure. I played this game for a long time and never deliberately tried to hurt anyone – except the Russians."
-- Phil Esposito - April 1987
It seems that you expect to see some stiffs out there tonight. Well, don't get all bubbly and stuff ahead of time :)
"Deb" didn't specify which Fosdick, guess Jeff must have a guilty conscience....
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