Wednesday, March 5, 2008

2 beers team The Schlitz

The "Hot after 2 Beers" Schlitz

Nelson Sharfman

Judges Comments:

"Since Scharf means HOT in German, we had no other option...

Kevin Parker

Judges Comments:

"I like the mountain range behind you. It reminds me of my last vacation. I had fun.

Jeff Fosdick

Judges Comments:

"It's the tongue."

Dan Gregson

Judges Comments:

"I grew up in St. Louis. Fashion has saved you."

Dan Herbert

Judges Comments:

"Blue Boar... 'nuff said."

Greg James

Judges Comments:

"Do your nostrils always look that big? Then again, women do like animals."

Chris Fosdick

Judges Comments:

" Your hair has more body than mine..."

Matt Elliott

Judges Comments:

"Big Beer = Big Sexy!"

Pete Capraro

Judges Comments:


It appears... from the judges comments that Pete might be the only guy that may have required 0 (zero) beers to actually be hot...
way to go Pete

Chuck Slate

Judges Comments:

"Action?... We like action...."

Roman Kurin

Judges Comments:

"No worries... We'll teach you to swim. Lesson 1: remove your shirt...."

Marc Valenti

Judges Comments:

"Is that your wife?! You lucked out!"

Matt Kilroy

Judges Comments:

"What are you digging for?"

1 comment:

The Bearded Dan said...

It is a good thing I didn't send in a picture with my beard.