Wednesday April 21st
Canton 10:30pm
4-0 Win!!!
The Playoff run of Team Zombie continued on Wednesday night as the Cads faced another 2-1 team the Last Call for the second elimination game of the week. The Dead in Red seemed to be gaining momentum in front of what is becoming a nice run by goalie Jim Sullivan. The defeat of the Tigers on Monday night has given the skating dead some inertia, and by all accounts they used it well on Wednesday to send yet another team home for the season.
Again the Blogger was somewhere in Florida applying lotion to his sunburned skin and washing sand out from between his toes so there is no first hand account. Guest bloggers were unavailable for comment in the time between the game and the bloggers return, but we do have some data and snipits to share.
"Bruins in OT? Not nearly as exciting as a Cadavers 4-0 stunner in the New England Senior Hockey League Semi-Finals. Go Zombies.
1st Period: Reynolds from Bell
2nd Period: Bell from Reynolds and Jasse
3rd Period: Roman from Shah; Bell from Jasse
2nd Period: Bell (Roughing - matching)
3rd Period: Reynolds (Holding - matching)
Players of the game:
3rd Star: Reynolds (goal, assist)
2nd Star: Bell (Gordie Howe Hat Trick + 1 goal)
1st Star: Jim "Tuuka" Sullivan"
A text from Dr. Jasse indicated that the Zombies wore out their opponents and got a big lift from thier streaking goalie.
Nice work boys. The blogger wishes he could have been there. Anyone with a comment or anything to add... PLEASE add your words with the comment feature. All words accepted. Good work. Next up Tuesday night vs Les Blues.
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