Tuesday July 14
Dedham 10:10pm
4-0 loss
Almost total radio silence on this one... as could be expected. No scoring and just a handfull of penalties. However not only does he run the teams but he also occasionally throws the Blogger a bone and guest stars right here. This is from CEO Kilroy:
"Last night 4-0 loss, I think. First goal SOFT. Bad Matt. 2’nd and 3’rd goals definitely harder but stoppable. I don’t remember the 4th.
Campbell had an epic collision with a player on their team. The collision was at the opponents blue line. I was watching the puck from our end admiring the graceful ebb and flow of total
movement, keeping an eye on the center of the gold and red whirlwind and letting my peripheral vision take in the outskirts. No doubt you would question the use of the word ‘graceful’ because, as we are all well aware, the components of the flow are comprised of individual hacking/smashing/falling middle aged D league, but the big picture is a bit graceful. I did not see the actual collision, but just as the puck pulled the center of the whirlwind to the left there was a sudden and violent stoppage of movement in the pucks wake, accompanied by a small shock wave that passed through the arena.
Campbell had an epic collision with a player on their team. The collision was at the opponents blue line. I was watching the puck from our end admiring the graceful ebb and flow of total

There were no tangential forces deflecting movement and body parts as happens with an angled collision, there was only full-on hard-hitting physics denying the occupation of the same space by two solid objects. They both went down, both got up, both took a second to run an internal diagnostic for broken parts, and then enjoyed the instant camaraderie that comes with cooperatively (or luckily) averting major harm.
Larry in the box, Matching
Campbell in the box at least once Matching
Kevin in the box?"
Larry in the box, Matching
Campbell in the box at least once Matching
Kevin in the box?"
Good stuff boss... the recap... not the game. No Game Stars... again.
1 comment:
I vote for a game star for Kilroy for his recollection of the hardest bell ringin' I've taken in a long time. Epic, to say the least. Jaw's still sore. Not sore enough to keep it closed tonight though.
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