Wednesday July 15
Quincy, 7:00pm
6-2 loss
Another whiz bang matchup with old rival The Blues. We have a long history of interesting games against these guys, we see ‘em every year, the games are close, and always eagerly contested, this week was no exception.
The Dead in Read managed to get everyone in the house but not on the ice for the opening whistle. Zombies arrived to the bench in the first few minutes.
The opening 5 of Campbell and Jeff on D, Howard, AK (angryKen) Douville, and Mitch held down the fort with support from Scott and Matvey. The Russian played D with Mike and Jeff and Dave Diloretto showed up and they skated as a pair as well.
The forwards were supported by Roman, iJosh and Nelson. This meant an 11 for players and unfortunately the early confusion was only a foreshadow of numeric difficulties we would have at the end of the game. CEO BMF and all around good guy Matt Kilroy backstopped the team looking good in his new/old Goalie stuff and in general looking and playing the part of starting goalie quite well of late. Need some more stickers for that helmet.
So not only did the Red “hold the fort” for the opening shifts, it was clear immediately that we were, as always well matched, even challenged, but very well matched and in a game. The boys went right after it and got some good chances and wouldn’t you know it, just over 2 minutes in Howard Heppelman would tuck home a rebound from Dr. Pounds and would put the Red up 1-0. Nice work from AK, Scott and Howard in the early going. Naturally this being a good matchup, the Blues would come back three minutes later with a nice

That would change in the second when MC would go on and inevitable collision on the boards and that would be the start of something. Red hung tough, Matt played great tying up the puck when necessary and getting in front of the shots. AK would go for a rough, that I think was a match with his wrestling partner from the slot.
Pretty quiet by the bench in the second intermission. It was clear we needed to outwork the Blues to win the last period. We couldn’t afford a meltdown with the Zebras. So you know whats coming, right? Do I need to say the words? Do I need to lay it all out in the cold light of the blog for all to see? … of course.
The Zombies proceed to open the period like this. Red Pants Robbins and the blues took the opening face off and charged into the zone. Turning Campbell then walking past Jeff he tucked the lead past Matt about a minute in. That would be followed 30 seconds later by AK’s second rough, for which he wanted an explanation and the Zebra wanted none of it. This would be

Campbell would go again followed by AK taking his third and an ejection. The Red would have some trouble working the numbers out around the penalty times. We had trouble putting 5 guys out there on 2 occasions in the last 10 minutes. Seriously at this point we should be able to keep track... sigh.
Matvey and Nelson would hook up on the only shining moment of the period for the Dead nice hard work by both guys and Nelson would feed Matvey who would be right out front and bang it home. Of course Team Blu would answer about a minute later and then put one more up on us just to round of a 4 goal win 6-2 over the wheezing Dead.
Just pathetic.

The only saving grace was the BL Limeys in the parking lot courtesy of Mr.Diloretto and some very curious talk about Ben Franklin being the Father of the Orgy and Betsy Ross's tramp stamp American flag... with the 13 stars in a circle... Strange evening by the swamp. There was even a mention of Jordache jeans and Caldor... yes... Caldor. Anyway the Franklin stuff made me thing of this...

Everyone beat it by the time the mosquitos decended. Not a memorable evening. Except for the Ben Franklin stuff... Father of invention or penetration...?
1 comment:
You need to Photoshop a Limey into Geo's hadn in that pic!!!! Friggin brialliant!
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