Monday December 1st
Milton Academy 9:00pm
6-1 loss
Here is Guest Blogger Exraordinaire iJosh with the play by play!
This one was a full team effort folks. Yes it was.
It was craptacular at every level. But at least we sucked as a team.
Boys and girls, I wish that I had better news and a more interesting story. However all I can say is that on paper, we didn't do as poorly as the last time we played this team. That, unfortunately, is not saying much.
To begin the game the Cads would have a healthy 10 skaters. This would be shortly followed by our late arriving 11th in the form of Stefan.
To begin the game the Cads would have a healthy 10 skaters. This would be shortly followed by our late arriving 11th in the form of Stefan.
The lines would play out as follows... On defense: Valenti and Capt George; Stefan and Mike Daley. The lines would be: Larry centering Parker and iJosh; Chuck centering Gregson and Ken Douville. Matt Elliott played the floater role.
Gameplay would not be kind. The Rats out worked us early. Out skated us early and out scored us early (middle and late too). The 1st shift would end with a botched defensive cover on the point by someone who shall remain nameless, but is a common guest blogger. 1-0 Rats. Two shifts later, a shot from the point would get through again. This time from the other side. 2-0 Rats. Play would not get much better at the end of 1 it was 3-0 Rats.
The second would see better effort, but the Dead in Red were still outclassed. It would be deep into the second before the Rats would strike again for a 4-0 lead. The Rats would take some penalties. One for a crosscheck and another for a delay of game. But it would make little difference as the Red could not muster up much in terms of offense. Yes there were some opportunities. Larry and Parker and iJosh would each have a couple of shots on goals. But mostly the game was laden with missed passes and ill advised clears. The 2nd would eventually finish with a 5-0 lead for the Vermin.
The second would see better effort, but the Dead in Red were still outclassed. It would be deep into the second before the Rats would strike again for a 4-0 lead. The Rats would take some penalties. One for a crosscheck and another for a delay of game. But it would make little difference as the Red could not muster up much in terms of offense. Yes there were some opportunities. Larry and Parker and iJosh would each have a couple of shots on goals. But mostly the game was laden with missed passes and ill advised clears. The 2nd would eventually finish with a 5-0 lead for the Vermin.
The third would see the team come together a bit more. Mike Daley would rush to the net and
eventually put one in to cut the deficit to 5-1. As the clock wound down, we would get called for our first penalty. A hook by Larry as he fell past the opponent who had changed directions on him. That would quickly be followed by a trip on the faceoff on the Rats. So with a 4 on 4 situation the Red would get some good pressure on the Rats. But that is where it would end. The final score 6-1 (I missed a goal there somewhere, but oh well).

Note: The Abacus caused a little confusion on the bench resulting in a little bit of frustration bubbling over. Hopefully all are calm today.
Great work as always iJosh. The Blogger thanks you... and gives his condolences to the game in general.
Look for a roster post tomorrow or Thurs morning for the Suds game Thursday night.
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