Monday Decmeber 15th
Bavis 10:20pm
5-0 Loss
This one didn't go much better than the first one on Monday night. There were a bunch of guys who skated both games as we only had a handfull of guys show for the nightcap.
This is how things looked. The guys in bold skated twice.
Campbell, James, Jeff and Valenti on D. Brian in Net.
Nelson, Larry, Ken Douville, Chris, Gregson, Daley, Reynolds, iJosh, Mitch
Again... a tough team with decent talent. They had at least 2 guys who could turn it on and off as needed and made for an uphill climb for the tired boys in Gold. This game was similar to the first one in that we hung with them for a long time and the game was very close for a long long time. Then things fell apart at the end. (seems to be a theme...).
The Rats would score one about mid way through the first, and despite clearly being the better team, they were being pushed a little by the guys in Gold and there were chances at both ends... albeit more frequently at our end...
Here's what it boils down to. 1-0 after one. They scored with a minute left in the second to make
it 2-0 (that was killer goal). Then the third was a washout. The Gold took 2 penalites, Greg James in the first, Larry in the third. Unfortunately there was nothing else on the scoresheet to discuss....

The Rats scored 3 times in the third to put this one away, and really it did feel closer than 5-0 ... but since the Suds never even got on the board... you can 't really say that.
So there you have it, outscored 12-1 in the course of 2 games on 1 night. Sheesh....
No game stars.
1 comment:
Unmentioned but just remembered was Greg James' Jeep with the Rudolph costume. That's right, the big man from the blue line is sporting a dashing red nose on the grill and antlers from the front windows. Downright festive... he's a driving Christmas Card. Lookin good man.
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