I've collected some stats in case you are interested.

These are not the final numbers so no official awards at this time, but finishing first for the regular season in any catagory is worth a mention.
Mad Props go out to Nelson Sharfman. The dude is a serious machine. Breaking out from an injury riddled winter season Nelson has gone on a virtual tear. In a measly 11 games the Cagey Veteran has racked up 24 points for (has to be) a 'daveur record PPG of 2.182! Holy crap. To get a handle on this look down the scoring leader list to the next guy that only played 11 games.
....did you look?
That would be Sophmore Chuck Slate in 14th (!) who had a solid year with six points (3 goals). Chuck had a good year and has been a nice addition. What does that make Nelson?
Great season Nelson... hope you get a bunch more in the playoffs.
'nuff Said.
Second in scoring is Roman Kurin who has also had a nice year just percentage points ahead of Kevin Parker who also has 19 points. Pretty amazing what Parker has done given that he spent a week in the hospital in the last month of the season with a staff infection in his knee. That dude is a warroir. Places 4 through 6 are all tied with 15 points, Rookie Mark Reynolds, Jim Sullivan, and old friend Larry SW Bell. Great work by one and all.
*Edit... had to update numbers for LB and GM so the sheet has new totals as of 8/18*
In other news Mike Campbell seems to have the Campbell award wrapped up with another solid outing a full 5 penalties ahead of former 2 time champ Mike Hammitt. Look down the bottom of the list and I think we have a nice list of Lady Byng candidates for guys who have the most games played without a penalty. Led by Dand Gregson who is PIM-less in 17 games. Great work. Scott, Jeff, Elliot, and Sully round out the top 5 Byngers.

I've also included the stats from the Schlidaveur contests to show who has been racking it up in the in house games. Check out Parker's dominating 10 points in the 6 games. Also check out Lizzy's numbers in 'davuers. Even though she gave up 18 goals, she was 2-1-1 with a 4.50 GAA... which is pretty good considering the first 'daveur she gave up 7 in a tie. Lizzy has had an up and down return season with our clubs, but she has fought hard and is finishing strong. All in all she ahas done a good job replacing the Bitch that Shall Remain Nameless.
The teams finish up just over and just under .500. Cadavers 6-7-2 and
Schlitz 8-6-1. The Schlitz will be Larry's squad from the 'daveur on Tuesday and will tackle the Olympic Division for the playoffs. That means possible opponents are the Blues, Inglewood Jacks, Sitniks, Scapegoats, Last Call, or CH Terriers. The Cadavers will be Campbell's team from Tuesday and will play as the 2 seed in the Stanly Cup Division. Possible opponents will be Tigers, Double Runners, Deep Freeze, Windsuckers, and Shock. That division has some games scheduled already over at NESHL.
It looks like Cads will play the Windsuckers on Tues 8/19 @ 10:40 in Canton, Sunday 2/24 @ 8:10 in Canton against the Double Runners, then Monday 9/8 @ 10:20 in Canton against the Shock. If record allows the Championship game is on Monday 9/15 @ 9:00 in Dedham. Stay tuned for Schlitz and Olympic Division dates and times.
As per Mike Campbell's email Management will try to change that date so it wont confilict with Hockey at the Beach, currently scheduled for that same night at Duxbury Beach.
*Stay tuned to your email and the blog for updates and changing times. *
One last thing for a Friday... here is "Bruise of the Season" on CEO BMF Matt Kilroy's leg. This one came courtesy of his own teammate (can't remember who) on a clearing shot that found his leg instead of the neutral zone. Owie.

What about Larry's bruise from the 2nd to last Schlidaveur courtesy of the stick of Mr. Parker? It should at least get honorable mention.
If thats the bruise of the season, mine has to go down as "Contusion of the Decade."
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