Thursday 12/20
That's right boys and girls. The last Schlidaveur of 2007 is on tap for Thursday night. As you may have read in the CEO/BadMoFo's email, he and I have faced off "playground style" and straight up picked the teams for Thursday night.
This was how we set it up. He would be his own goalie and pick his squad, I would have Mike Gash as my goalie and I would pick the rest of the players for my squad.
Matt, haveing won the Schlitz mantle by coin toss picked first. Here I will recreate the first 10 picks just to give everyone an idea of how it went. Remember... I was already assigned to the Cads Squad by virtue of being the Captain, (nose) picker, DB whateveryouwanttocallme.
Here goes.
Schlitz 1- Dan Hebert (DWH) a good choice and the first time DWH has been first pick...
Cads 2 - Larry Bell.... you have to go with the reigning points champion....
Schlitz 3 - Mike Campbell ... Matt goes with big D....
Cads 4 - Stephan Wennik... Jeff goes with FAST D...
Schlitz 5 - Mike Daley ... Rookie of the Year Standout...good pick
Cads 6 - Greg James... something to offset Campbell
Schlitz 7 - George Moorachian...defenisve minded..
Cads 8 - Marc Valenti ... another D and Rookie fo the year candidate.
Schlitz 9- Nelson Sharfman... the cagey vet returns
Cads 10 - Kevin Parker ... another cagey vet coming off injury
I think I'll leave it at that... no one really wants to know if they were picked 13th or 16th... right?
So the final rosters look like this.

Matt in Goal
DWH, George, Campbell, and Pearlman.
Mike Daley, Nelson, Jasse, iJosh, Matvey, Deb and Ken

OEJ in Goal
Stephan, Valenti, James, and Jeff.
Larry, Parker, Elliott, Roman, Hammitt, Gregson, Scott, and Blake Underhill.
So let the smack talk begin. Pick a friend, and enemy, or whatever and give 'em a hard time. Let's get things stirred up right and proper for some good fun on Thursday night.
See you all then.
Anyone volunteering for Beerman....or Food/Munchie duty?
Send Managment an email.
That is all.
WTF happened to the banner on the blog? We used to look like a bunch of guys who play hockey. Now we look like a bunch of derelicts milling about the mall pariking lot.
And another thing... A small Indiana company has applied for a license to market small, legal tasting samples of human flesh, which is reputedly similar in flavor, color and texture to pork.
F'd up, huh?
Human the other other white meat.
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