Friday, December 14, 2007

Schlitz game Cancelled due to storm!

Schlitz vs. Generals
Thursday 12/13
UMass 9:20pm

Game Postponed by NESHL

Paul gave the word late yesterday (much later than CEO Matt Kilroy) that all NESHL games would be postponed for last night. Good news for sure, given that management let all possible skaters know by mid-day.
Hope everyone had a reasonable commute home yesterday. There have been some horror stories to be sure.
In fact the Blogger's Father spent a tidy 5 1/2 hours getting from Chelsea to Plymouth last night. Some fun.
Anyway, according to the league all games will be made up at the end of the season, so we have that going for us. Its always nice to see our friends the Generals on the schedule, regardless of when it comes.
Remember everyone..... Schlidaveur next week!
All those interested in the Cambridge Lunch and Team Selection Society please inform management immediately. This very special lunch event is due to take place in the early part of the week.
See you then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My commute was 4 hours. With a pit stop at Mitch's work for a de-icing, a trip to the men's room and a drink.