Monday October 1
Canton 9:20
3-3 Tie
The skating dead rose from the grave and showed thier Zombie Pride last night to innaugurate the winter campaign of 2007-08. This will be the first time we will run as the two team monster through the longer winter season. It sounded like there was a solid start made last night.
A hearty 10 skaters for a MNF conflict of interest game at our "home" rink Canton. This included 3 newcomers getting off the ground early in their Schlidaver careers. Mark Bates, Mike Daley, and Blake Underhill joined the club and made solid debuts one and all. Good to have you boys aboard. Word has is Blake took a few shots and is feeling it today. Blake did skate a few periods with us over the summer but this was his first full Cadaver experience. Again, welcome guys.
The night started with a bump as the Kitty's scored first, less than two minutes in. The Zombies answered right back a few minutes later when Roman Kurin got the first goal of the season with 7:19 remaining. Assists to Kilroy and Gregson. Then with time running out in the First CEO Madd Matt Kilroy scored with a nice deflection (skate) of a Dan Hebert shot. Intent, kicking, angling, were all discussed postgame but the refs tallied it and the Zombies led 2-1 after one.
Into the second period and things were looking good for the Cads. Here's a first hand account of what happened next: "At 11:38 in the second we score again. Gerg James with a rush from our blue line all alone weaving and turning, right to the net through several defenders and a back hand shot right by him. Nice goal."
Unfortunately the good times (and lead) didn't last the Tigers scored twice in one shift less than four minutes later. The rest of the game played out as a 3-3 tie. By all accounts OEJ had a terrific night and despite being "left out to dry" on more than 1 or 2 occasions, held up the rest of the way. We are used to that kind of performance from Mike... but we shouldn't push our luck.
Great job to everyone who skated and hopefully the Schlitz can get us into the win collumn on Thursday night.
Game stars:

2nd Star: With a goal and an assist, its Mad Matt Kilroy. Our fearless leader jumps into the scoring race early with a big night in the first game. Good job Matt.

Thats all from here. Thanks to Matt and Mark Bates for contributing game info. See you Thursday night at the House of Horror...
I mean UMass. And expect another post sometime Friday.
Go Zombies.
Go Suds.
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