I'll wait to do stats until each team has played at least 6 games. There are no real big stories yet, numbers wise, anyhow.
Late word here at Corporate HQ is that Lizzy is ok, doing fine, but a little banged up. This will keep her out of the Monday Schlidaveur regardless, so management is scrambling to find a replacement. We all know Madd Matt is now unavailable to fill in right at the moment (more on that below...) so we may have to go "outside the organization".
Matt has sent and email regarding our options for the game that night in relation to our friends the Red Sox and thier impending Championship. Please respond as soon as you can.

"If the drummer from Def Leppard can do it... I can too." I have a feeling we'll be seeing him on the ice in no time. Good luck Matt....er Stumpy... er Frodo... Twiddles... Shorty... hmmm nothing seems to fit quite yet.
Remember team... Matt's gift to us through his misfortune is a very important lesson. Take your time with power tools or anything dangerous you might do. It pays to be extra careful.
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