Thursday 6/23
Dedham 10:10pm
6-2 Loss
The Cads put the 5-0 streak on the line with a late night matchup with the Spartans (Green) in Dedham last night. Lets just say that the Green Team brought their horses and the season opening streak was ended at 5. A hearty 11 skated for the Dead in Red but it wasn’t enough to get over on the powerful Spartans.
Here is your roster:
Jon Cole in Net
D: Campbell, George, Baker, Roman
O: Bell, Elliot, Gregson, Matvey, Scott, Nelson, and Sully
The Blogger was not in attendance but this word came back via the grapevine to let us know how the deal went down.
First up is Nelson Sharfman:
We lost 6-2 .
Nice goal by Sully.
Larry got one by cleaning up the trash in front.
The game didn't really get away from us until the later stages but they had the first two goals and led (at times comfortably) from wire to wire. They had some of their better skaters with them. Now that we are out of the "assessment" period of the schedule the ringers on all the teams should start to reappear.
Not too much to report here. They were a better team than us (though probably not 6-2 better).
They made some nice plays and their goalie made some nice saves. We should have scored more. John wanted a couple back. Just another night at the ballpark.
-- Nelson
Thanks very much Nelson. We got another take from Larry Bell who rounded out the picture a little more. Here’s Larry:

1st loss of the season. It was pretty close in the first two periods but they managed to put 3 by Jon and their goalie came up pretty big. We mixed up the lines and tried to mount a comeback in the 3rd, with Sully scoring from Matvey to make it 3-1.
Then a series of defensive breakdowns (breakaways, 3-on-1s) led to then scoring 3 more in the third. I also scored from Campbell, but too little, too late. Penalties to Baker and Campbell Cheers LB
Thanks for the words guys. The Blogger appreciates.
Too bad about the streak going down, but really, we weren’t going to go 16-0 or anything.
Lets see if we can bounce back tonight with the game in Hingham.
Quick correction:
The D pairs were Campbell/Roman and Elliott/George. Baker played up front.
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