Monday August 30th
Dedham 9:00pm
8-2 Loss
Wow. Really. Nothing on this at all. Sounded like the Leafs have put together a nice little squad in their innaugural season in D league.
Here are the vitals on the Zombie side of things.
Baker, un.
Baker from Campbell and Nelson
Pen: Campbell,Baker, Reynolds,Hammit
The blowout against the Leafs was just ugly. We were down 3 or 4-0 before the end of the first. They had a couple of supastahs #5 on offense and #12 on D who were just doing whatever they wanted out there and (particularly supastah #5) celebrating like they just won the cup after each goal. Not a fun game. Props to Campbell, Hammitt and the rest of the team for keeping our cool during the debacle. Nice work by Baker to pot a couple of goals in the third. Otherwise, well, I'm just glad there was beer after the game.
Wow. Thanks to Larry for the words. Sounds like a long night at the rink. We'll have to keep an eye on these Leafs as we will probably be seeing more of them in the playoffs.

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