Wednesday December 2
UMass 9:20
6-1 Loss
Well, looks like this one was another long night at the Prison by the Bay. Never a treat to skate at UMass, worse when its cold out, and even worse when you take a beating from an old rival like Les Blues. Didn't sound like a lot to tell after the game but we have two good check in reports from Guest Bloggers Reynolds and Sharfman who have a few things to note. Thanks guys from the Blogger who wishes he could skate every game but just can't make it some nights.
Here is your pregame Zombie Lineup. If there are any obvious changes or ommissions please use the comment feature.
Ken G
Dan H
Matt E
Mark R
Ken D
Goal - Lizzy
Ken G
Dan H
Matt E
Mark R
Ken D
Goal - Lizzy
Alright. Enough from me. Here is the news from the men on the scene.
Wednesday’s loss to the Blues wasn’t due to lack of effort, but rather smart play on the Blues behalf. They shut down our passing lanes and managed to get far too many odd man rushes…even a few 3 on 0 breakaways due to some poor play by one defenseman (sorry guys, I hope to play better next game). There were a couple of bright spots. Lizzy played well between the pipes. She saved my arse on the odd man rushes all night. Chuck scored a nifty “Rick Middleton” type goal on a breakaway. After streaking down the ice, he held the puck and forced the goalie to commit to a diving poke check. Chuck expertly lifted the puck over the goalie for our only goal of the game.
Sharfman: Tough game. We lost 6-1. I, for one, had a terrible game. I felt like I was skating (or not skating) with a piano on my back (or for those who are familiar with my regular skating prowess, two pianos on my back). Too much left over turkey I would guess. We kept it close for the first period and even scored the first goal (Chuck, great hustle). Liz had a handful of ten-bellers or similarly close calls in the first, which I suppose is how it managed to remain close. Some nice individual efforts throughout the night but in the end their horses were better than our horses.
Thanks for the words guys. Too bad we didn't have a better night on the ice and scoreboard.
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