Monday November 16
Umass Boston 7:00
Schlitz 4
Cad-Dads 6
The Who’s your Daddy Daveur was featured last night at the Prison by the Bay. The fathers, playing at the Dead in Red (possibly a comment on the amount of sleep they receive) faced off against the Non-Daddy Schlitz (possibly a reference to the “gusto” of the good life) in a game that was, as usual, a pretty good matchup. This was a terrific team split concept and major ups go to CEO Daddy BMF Matt Kilroy for coming up with it. The concept worked perfectly and we only had to adjust with one player given the turn out, so new Dad Dan Herbert played with the Suds to even out the squads at 9 each. Dan had the youngest child of any of us… Here are your Team Breakdowns.
Matt in net
D: Dave DiLoretto, Mike Daley, Jeff Fosdick
O1: Larry Bell, Nelson Sharfman, Mike Jasse
O2: iJosh Greenstein, Ken Goldenberg, Blake Underhill
Schlitz-Non-Dads (or in this case new or almost Dads)
Lizzy in Net
D: Dan Herbert, Greg James, Marc Valenti
O1:Matt Elliot, AK Douville, Roman Kurin
O2: Neil Shah, Mike Goodwin, Dan Gregson
The game would start off pretty well and the teams would settle in and get into the flow a bit. It only took 2 players and 3 explanations to both the Ref and Katie the scorekeeper (a Umass staple) to get them to figure out that both teams rosters were on the same piece of paper. That aside the game got going and got up to speed pretty quickly.
Nice to have some fans in the stands for this one. Appropriate to the theme we had Family Night at the home of the Beacons. The Goldenbergs, Greenstiens, and Jassess were all in attendance and the squeek of little voices echoed around the rink as the dads and dudes wheezed it out on the ice. Thanks to everyone that made it.
The Beercans would be the first to strike. Goody would land a wicked shot from the slot after a pass from Valenti and Neil. This came at the 11 minute mark of the first. The ‘cans would continue to build on their momentum as the Reddaddys wouldn’t be able to really get anything going offense wise.
It wasn’t until the 330 mark of the first when the Red would put something nice together and the Cagey Vet Nelson would land a nice shot on a feed from Larry and Daley. The game would go into the first intermission tied 1-1.
The second period would see a bunch more action as the offenses would warm to the task.The Gold would be the next to strike when Goody would land a fierce shot that came from a feed by Neil and the Schltiz would be up 2-1. Not long after that the things would continue to get difficult for the Dads when Mike Daley would go for interference with about 10 minutes left in the second. The Dads would be up to the task and would kill the penalty but the momentum was definitely in Gold's favor. In fact the goal combo of Neil to Goody would come through again, on a very similar setup if I recall(iffy). I just remember Goody in an open space and a good shot that beat Matt. The Kidless Beercans were now up 3-1.
The tide was soon to change however, and only minutes later Mike Jasse would land a shot from iJosh and the Red Dads would only be down one, 3-2. Before the period was out they would strike again, this time iJosh with the goal from Chris and the period would end in a 3-3 tie.
Onto the third we would go. A tie game and both teams clearly in the groove. The first nearly 10 minutes of the third would go back and forth, up and down the ice with good chances at both ends, both keepers playing very well. Greg James (he'll be playing for the Dad's next year) would go for hook at some point in the early going.
The kids in the stands were clearly having a great time... weather it was watching the game or playing with each other (most likely the latter)... but it was cool to have them in the building regardless. Maybe it was the children that inspired the Dads... because the third would start to go their way, led by Big Doctor Daddy Mike Jasse who was doing some great work with his line. Nelson would be in full grind it out in the corners and down low mode and would feed Mike for the go ahead goal at the 8 minute mark.
Credit to the Kidless Beercans they would answer to keep the game tied at 6 minutes when AK Douville would score on a breakaway (I think).
Not a minute later the Nelson to Jasse combination would give the Red Dads another goal putting them up 5-4 at the 5 minute mark. And the Dad's weren't finished yet. Mike Daley would seal the deal with the help of Double Vision Dad Larry. Daley's goal would come with 3:15 remaining and the Dads would hold on for the last 3 minutes and win the game 6-4 to much celebration. Good stuff. Really a fun game.
Big Kudos to the families that made it and a shout out to the Kids! Madison Jasse (very proud of her Hat trick dad), Lewis and Elliot Greenstein, Robyn and Max Goldenberg! Thanks for coming guys!
Game Stars
3rd Star: A tie here between two three point guys. Nelson Sharfman with a goal and two helpers for the Red Dad cause. Nelson is always a contributor and a leader in effort on the ice and this night was no exception. The other is Nifty Neil Shah with 3 helpers for the Kidless Beercans. Neil is also turning out to be a very consistent producer. Good work guys.
2nd Star: A Hat Trick in a losing effort, still good for a game star. Mike "Goody" Goodwin. All of them wicked shots. Mental note... get Goody the puck in open space as many times as possible... unless you are playing against him. Nice Job Goody.
1st Star: Big Hat Trick Daddy Dr. Mike Jasse. Three goals and a multiple game scoring streak for the good Doctor. The Blogger doffs his hat to you sir, and apologises you had to wait so long for this blog post. Great work Mike.
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