Monday September 28th
UMass Boston 7:00pm
4-2 WIN!!!
Some nights at the rink are more special than others. Something in the air, the emotions and the actions of a game take on a form that leaves you with... well usually a memorable game. Last night's game was memorable to say the least, for a number of different reasons.
Beside the fact that this was a playoff game, and a game that winning meant a ticket to the Championship Game. This was the final game of the "one loss" bracket in the double elimination playoffs for the Islanders Division. There was a reasonable group of fans, mostly wives with kids, the Capraro clan made it, Kerry and the three boys cheered on the Suds, and there were a couple of other families for the Last Call too.
The game was at our least favorite venue, the House of Horrors, the Prison by the Bay, or UMAlcatraz. Not only do you get to change in the cold air of the rink but you get the honor of paying six bucks just to park somewhat close to the rink. Hey... they got a spiffy new lighthouse for their traffic circle though... at least the game was early.
So the stage was set for what was sure to be a tough game against the Last Call whom we've not had very much luck against recently. Here is your Suds Roster.
O1: Nelson, Steve, Larry
O2: Capraro, Chuck, and Howard. AK floated.
D1: George, Parker
D2: Mark, Jeff
Matt in Net.
This was a good lineup and there was no reason to think we couldn't hold our own but the Call certainly had some talent, and as the game got underway the last few stragglers would come in and give them a full bench. Plenty of no face sheild guys, no-one really super fast, but a number of quality players. The Suds would have thier work cut out.
The Schlitz would take right to it out of the gates and it was clear that we would not only get our chances but we had good puck movement and everyone seemed to be playing well. The Blogger has to say he felt good in the early going about our chances. This good feeling was only boosted when Steve Baker would pick up a rebound and slam it home with a patented slapper that would put the Gold up 1-0. It wasn't terribly long after that that we took our first penalty. The scoresheet has #20 which is fine except we dont have a #20 but she clearly wasn't paying close attention... an issue we will return to later in the game. Regardless we were sure to talk a whole bunch as soon as the call was made and the Ref being... well... the Ref got all excited and immediately defensive which did not bode well for the rest of the evening. We just have that affect on Zeebs. I think it has something to do with our mouths... just a thought.
The Call was far from taking it lying down. They cranked up the intensity and started getting chances of thier own. Just as the first came to a close they would get a shot from the point, which was deflected (by what looked like a high stick) thenthen took a crazy wobbling arc through traffic and into the net. Of course our entire bench felt the need to make the point that it was a high stick but... what a surprise... the Zeebras were unaffected.
This let down continued into the first shift of the second and a bad clearing attempt would go bing- pow passed twice then shot straight into the net through a screen of players and the game was tied 2-2 with only about a minute gone into the second. You could feel the intensity slipping for the Gold and this was the point the game could have turned on... but the Suds wouldn't let it.
The Beercans would dig in, take the game back to the Call and would produce about 5-6 minutes of some of the best hockey we have played all season. Good strong defense, backchecking, forechecking, timley passes and shots. It was amazing to see.
Things were getting contentious on the ice. The Call was having no trouble giving a slash or a nudge here and there and the Zeebs only had eyes for us and our big fat mouths... which brings us to the first "incident" of the night. After a scramble in front of Matt there was some pushing. AK decided that the 'tude coming from Mr. Pink Helmet (no cage) was a little too much so as the play was being separated by the Zeebs Ken comes barreling through to put a body on old Pinky and proceeds to get himself a 5 minute major for a hit well after the play was dead. Not very smart. The Gold would kill the penalty, and did a nice job doing it.
At this point all the Gold hard work would produce some results. Howard would take a hard drive to the net, keeping his legs moving and whacking at the puck he got through the D and potted the go-ahead goal for the Gold. Just a tremendous effort by Howard who's game has really come a long way in just his first season with us. This goal was just massive.
Before the Second would end Pete Capraro would go for a slash then trouble started. Pete was slow going to the box, probably had something to say, then... according to the Zeebra... he bumped into the Ref on his way to the box. Our neruotic and exciteable friend in stripes invited Pete to sit 10 minutes for a misconduct. No good. We would kill the 2 minute minor for the slash but would be without Pete until 10 minutes left in the game.
Into the Third we went the Beercans holding an improbable 3-2 lead and the game getting
chippy. Larry helped things out when he took a call just 2 minutes into the period. I dont remember what the call was because when Larry got to the box trouble started brewing with the score keeper. She listed his penalty as *asshole* on the score sheet. Pete was able to fill us in after he left the box. Larry was trying to find out what time he could get out, the Zeeb was trying to talk to the scorekeeper who had all of her homework out on the desk, and was fiddling with her iPhone. Well... Larry invited her to "pay attention" then offered to insert the iPhone and apparently other things into a very sensative part of her anatomy. Pete's kids were near the box, trying to figure out why he was in there so long, and Pete had to send them away as teh F-bombs flew between Larry and Katie the Scorekeeper. Classic.

Katie would write a special note to Larry on our roster page which goes like this:
"Larry Bell, you're a self-absorbed fucking asshole. [heart] Katie." Nice. She also took a photo for blog purposes which you see here. I've also include the note at the bottom of the post.
At least we weren't done playing hockey, despite doing a good job embarressing ourselves with the rink staff. Nelson would score the topper about midway through the period on just a typical hard working, cycle the zone get it out front type of a play. Vintage Nelson. The Gold had a two
goal lead with less than 10 minutes in the game.

Then the crazyness kept coming. Just under the 8 minute mark Howard collapsed after a faceoff as though he had been shot. He had severe pain in his knee and couldn't get up. This didn't stop Larry from skating over to the crowd to say "Hey Ref... isn't the clock supposed to run?" no one laughed. Eventually we dragged poor Howard over to our bench where he got some help and a bag of ice as the game wound down.
The play continued to be chippy and aggressive but again the Suds just did a terrific job of staying in front of the play and keeping things under control and out of our own end. Then trouble popped up (you knew it would) just as we hit the 2 minute mark. Here's what happened.
Along the far boards Jeff jammed the play to break it up, but the Call forward had plenty of momentum and deliberately piled into
Jeff trying to break the puck free. I guess while he was down the guy kept pushing, and Larry took major exception to that.

Now... the Blogger appreciates Larry sticking up for Jeff and being a good teammate but the reaction was a little over the top. Jeff was on his feet by the time Larry and this guy were face to face and pushing. Jeff stood between the guys as the Refs reeled Larry in and tried to separate them. No dice. Larry broke free and he and the other guy rolled around on the ice whacking each other until the Zeebs got things under controll again. Once again we let our head's get the best of us...
The good news is that despite being down a man, and the Call even pulling their keeper, the Gold was able to kill the last 2 minutes and preserve a very wierd, very hard fought playoff victory and a trip to tonights Championship Game.
Of course during the handshakes AK felt it necessary to talk some smack to Pinky which resulted in another crowd and the Zeebras trying to keep everyone apart. The Zeebra's comment after I asked him what AK said was something like "Not for nothin' but that guy deserves an ass kicking..." That's us... makin' friends... leaving a good impression. AK had taken a shot off his hand or forearm and looked more than a little green in the gills when I saw him after the game so what he said remains a mystery. Bet it was good.
The UMass PD were called to get an ambulence for
Howard. The EMT's showed and got him all squared away. While we were waiting the blogger got to witness a first hand dresssing down of the Zeebras by the UMass cop on duty... he didn't like their 'tude (they wanted to get the next game going right away) then made them both go and get ID. Another classic.

Howard at least had a smile on and gave the thumbs up on his way out on the stretcher.
Game Stars
3rd Star: Let's hear it for Nelson "consistancy" Sharfman. The dude just brings it. Never stops going. Never gives up an inch. Nice work all night man.
2nd Star: Howard "game winning goal" Heppeleman. Tough break. Word is that he has a ruptured Patella tendon and we may not see him for quite a while. Great game Howard. Get better soon.
1st Star: Steve "what about me for Rookie of the Year" Baker. Two tremendous goals and great work all night. Great job Steve, keep up the good work.
Coon of Shame: Although there was more than one candidate for this game Larry wins it for his verbal assault on Katie the scorekeeper and his multiple invitations for her to do the anatomically impossible. Atta boy Larry.
Well captured Mr. Blogger, apologies to the team for the 10 minute vacation, hope you kicked ass tonight!
Oh and Howie hope you are doing OK!
Where's the scan of the roster and score sheet?
Lots of material from that game...almost deserves a second posting! Love the heart on the scoresheet. She's a keeper!
Freakin' classic! I'm so proud of you boys.
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