Schlitz vs Inglewood Jacks Wednesday August 5th
9:00 Dedham
Goody -asked
Matt - net
Only one game this week team but an important announcement concerning 'daveur activities that YOU want to be a part of. The Duxbury Beach Boys have once again organized a Hockey at the Beach evenent or Beachdaveur '09 as they are calling it around here in the corporate headquarters.
In case you missed last year's event,
check out the fun and pics here,
and here to see what its all about. We are talking grillin', chillin', sunnin', swimmin', horseshoein', and just plain having fun with your favorite parking lot crowd.
Here is Mr. Campbell's event email in case anyone missed it.
"The glorious and storied town of Duxbury made the mistake of selling a few of us Schlidaveurs Over-Sand Beach stickers this summer, and with the crappy weather, we haven’t really gotten our fair use. So, we’d like to invite all of you maniacs to join us for a Saturday afternoon/evening beach party to make up for the loss of most of our summer-time beach fun.
Here’s the deal:

Who: You and yours. I’m not bringing my cherubs. You can bring your kids, but you do so at your own risk. Think of it this way… A few bucks for a babysitter that night vs. the thousands of dollars you’ll spend on counseling for them due to the damage one extended evening with all of us could cause.
When : Saturday August 22nd. 4:00 PM until they kick us off – likely around 10 or so. (Note we picked this date because the tides will be MUCH better than last year – Low tide at 7:35, giving us the whole beach almost!)
Where : We’ll meet at the end of Powder Point Ave, in Duxbury. There’s a Bridge there, and a Parking lot. We’ll leave all of your cars there, pile into one of our SUVs, and head out on to the beach. (See Map of Powder Point Ave
here. Use Google Maps to find your way there.)

What to Bring : Beach Stuff. We’ll have Horseshoes (in case anyone wants to challenge Greg James and I for Championship of the World honors.), Volleyball, and Grills. We’ll bring stuff for a fire on the beach when it gets dark, although I don’t recall lighting one last year. Doesn’t mean we didn’t, though.
Bring stuff that you like to eat, drink, and share. Keep in mind though, that everything you bring has to be lugged out to the beach in an SUV, and lugged back, so be practical. If you can.
Also, there are no “facilities” out there, so if you drink too many (is there such a thing….. “too many”?)Bud Light Limes, you’ll need to go swimmin’ to pee. So bring your bathing suit. And a Towel. And your Jaws theme…
Note: If you miss the rides from the Bridge parking lot, you can call one of us, and see if we’ll c

ome back and get you OR… you can walk across the bridge, onto the beach, and take a right. Walk down the beach, and you’ll run into us. In case you need it, my cell number is xxx. (Jeff, PLEASE don’t post this to the blog again this year! I’m still getting vehicle warranty spam phone calls from last years posting!)"
No problem... if you need Mike's cell number email him or me. B
Thanks to the guys organizing this event, Campbell, Capraro, Mark Reynolds and Dr. Jasse. Schlidaveur management looks forward to having a few cold ones on the hot sand.
This was a really fun event last year and we would love to get more people out this time around. If you have the means to get there please come on down and bring a friend or two and enjoy the summer by the sea with your friends from the rink.
Storylines include: - Will the Campbell:James Horseshoe Dynasty be broken up... by anyone?
- What game/sport/contest event will UberCEO Kilroy come up with to settle out the 'daveur playoff squad dillemma? Matt is a master at "games" I have no doubt he will dissapoint.
- Will Lizzy and her Dad make make it with the Jello shots again this year?
- Will we be asked to leave the beach before it technically "closes"?
These are all gripping questions that will be resolved on the 22nd. So I hope to see you there. Please let us know if you are planning on coming via email as soon as possible.