Thursday, June 18, 2009

Suds Down D-Minus! ...last week.

Schlitz (5) vs D-Minus
Thursday June 11
Canton, 7:00pm

7-2 Win!

Wow team... this one is already a week old and I dont have any stories to tell on this one, but it looks like it was a good night at the rink. Abley backstopped by CEO BMF Mad Matt Kilroy the Suds put the Whoop on the newbies of the division with a great 7-2 win.

All I can tell you is what has been reported from the scoresheet. Namely that Larry had 2 goals and 2 assists on the night... nice to see him returning to his SW ways, Nelson had a Hat Trick (like a Timex...)and Pete Capraro with a goal and 2 helpers to round out the night. Newcomer Steve Baker potted 2 goals as well, already showing that this season's rookie of the year race is going to be one to watch.

Great job to everyone... and anyone willing to comment or give us a tale or two please feel free. In the absence of that... here are the stats.

Baker to Pete 6:33 1st
Larry alone 5:41 1st
Pete to Chuck 1:50 1st
Baker to Larry 15:50 2nd
Larry to Nelson 16:41 3rd
Pete to Nelson 11:42 3rd
Larry to Nelson 4:52 3rd
George Alone 1:33 3rd

Reynolds Hold at 8:25 2nd
George Slash at 4:06 2nd
Reynolds Hold at 14:46 3rd

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