Monday February 9th
Bavis Arena 9:00pm
7-0 Loss
Um... this one didn't sound like it went that well. Here is excellent guest blogger Mark Reynolds to let us all in on what went down in the land of Rock last night.
Here's Mark:
This game was as bad as it gets. 7 – 0.
The Red skated with 20 lbs of lead in our asses. Poor break outs, soft passes, no back-checking, and hardly any shots on goal.
The zebras had it in for us (well maybe we deserved most). I can’t recall the number of penalties we took, but 5-on-4 and 5-on-3 seemed to be the theme of the game. At least we didn’t give up any goals on the 5-on-3 penalty kills. The Red had one ejection (read the roster and place your bets) and a couple of guys with two (including this guest blogger). You know it’s a bad penalty eve when even Pete C ends up serving time in the sin bin.
Lizzy in Net.
Hammitt – Reynolds
Pearlman – George
Parker – iJosh – Pete
The Doctor – Ken D – Elliot
Ken G – rotation
No game stars…we all sucked.
Hopefully the guys that bailed to go to the Beanpot had a good time; sorry for the dig guys, but we could have used you.
The Red skated with 20 lbs of lead in our asses. Poor break outs, soft passes, no back-checking, and hardly any shots on goal.
The zebras had it in for us (well maybe we deserved most). I can’t recall the number of penalties we took, but 5-on-4 and 5-on-3 seemed to be the theme of the game. At least we didn’t give up any goals on the 5-on-3 penalty kills. The Red had one ejection (read the roster and place your bets) and a couple of guys with two (including this guest blogger). You know it’s a bad penalty eve when even Pete C ends up serving time in the sin bin.
Lizzy in Net.
Hammitt – Reynolds
Pearlman – George
Parker – iJosh – Pete
The Doctor – Ken D – Elliot
Ken G – rotation
No game stars…we all sucked.
Hopefully the guys that bailed to go to the Beanpot had a good time; sorry for the dig guys, but we could have used you.
Well... that's ah... great. Thanks Mark. We had a few other players chime in. Dr. Pounds sent an email with these 4 pics in it titled 4,000 words. Thanks Doc... I think we get the picture.
Then Pete Capraro decided to chime in with this short message of hope:
Here is my assessment of last night: "U-G-L-Y ... you ain't got no alibi, yo ugly.............oh ah............yo ugly".
Uhhh ... I'm getting the feeling that things really didn't go well, aren't you? Lastly we will hear from old pal Billy Pearlman about how he saw the evening.
4-0 after 1st period…we were turnstyles out there….everyone watching the talented D leaguers do their thing…and then we decided to get in their face a bit, stand ‘em up at the blue line, forecheck and we only gave up 3 more goals the rest of the game. We killed something like 8 penalties, Hammitt got the boot in the second period as well leaving us shorthanded. Final tally 7-0 and aside from some long shots deflected, we had no scoring chances.
Alright... that about wraps this one up from here. Thanks for coming out everyone. Lets get the W next time.
Damn. Didn't have any time to send an update today....I do have the scoresheet:
1st Period:
Bench (Too Many Men)
2nd Period:
Hammitt (Interference)
George (Roughing)
Hammitt (Hooking)
Hammitt (Major - Hit from Behind)
Hammitt subsequently ejected
Parking (Tripping)
3rd Period:
Reynolds (Interference)
Capraro (Boarding)
Grand total, 9 penalties. Is that a record?
I meant Parker not Parking
I say we stack our team next time against these assholes!
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