Tuesday June 24
BU 9:10pm
Cadavers 6
Schlitz 1
Ah yes friend reader of the blog we had yet another memorable night at the rink as the two teams faced off at BU for Daveur #3 on the season. This one was interesting from the start. Initial rosters had 11 a side, then the Schlitz lost one a day before the game.
The Golden Schlitz sported Marc Valenti, Dan Gregson, Billy Pearlman, and Greg James on D. Then Larry led the forward corps with iJosh, Capraro, Kilroy, Matvey Nikhamik and Ken Goldenberg. Chris Fosdick was also scheduled but was the only dropout. Mike Gash was in net.
The Cadavers would run Capt.George Moorachian, Jeff Fosdick, Dan DWH Herbert, and Mike Hammitt on D, and Jim Sullivan, Matt Elliot, Chuck Slate, Scott Pounds, Roman, Parker, and Blake Underhill on offense. Brian Carey in net.
The game would get underway, undermanned on both sides. They don't waste any time over there at BU and the game got underway with really only 7 or 8 on each side. Late arrivals were Hammitt, and DWH and then Blake for the Cads, and Greg James for the Schlitz.
Poor Greg, he went to Canton thinking the game was there. Then, according to his description in the lot after the game drove 100mph to BU going FAAAAAAAAAAARRRG! the whole way. Too bad... the guys in Gold could have used him in the first period. He finally made it to the ice about 8 minutes into the second.
The game got underway and the late arrivals filtered in over the first 6 minutes or so.
The Cads grabbed an early lead on a rare, but massive mistake by OEJ in the Schlitz end.

The Cads, still with more skaters than the Gold, struck again with only a minute left in the period when Matt Elliot swiped at the puck as it lay in front of OEJ's pads and it trickled through him and in. OEJ wasn't too happy about that one for sure, but the Cads were off and running. They led 2-0 after one.
Things began to get interesting early in the second as the DWH would bury a nice shot from Parker and Sullivan to build the lead to 3-0. The Gold would come back and make a showing as Larry SW Bell would pot one, from iJosh and Matvey to cut the lead to 3-1 and by that point James had shown up, and it looked like momentum was shifting in the direction of the yellow shirts.
During this stretch there was big pile up in front and eventually on top of Mike Gash. Valenti, and I think Capraro ended up in the pile, and according to Marc OEJ said he got knocked in the head 4 or 5 times. He skated into the corner with his helmet off and took a moment to get himself together. The zebras were nice enough to stop the clock and when he had composed himself everyone on the ice and benches clapped their sticks to show some support.
The game would go on but things were just starting to get dramatic. Going into the third period down 3-1 the gold continued to work hard and get chances that Brian did a nice job snuffing out in general in the Red end.
Marc Valenti had a nice rush going on one shift until he tried to bank it off the boards and instead plunked DWH right in his grill... so much for that. It didn't put DWH off at all either.
It wasn't long after that that Big DWH would score again, this time from D partner Mike Hammitt (who had made his standard 2 trips to

Well it wasn't over by a long shot. DWH would complete the Hat trick with another wicked shot, this time from Scott and Sully, a few minutes later. This time OEJ stayed on the ice for even longer with his helmet off, so long that the Zebras were getting frustrated with him and just started the play. I think there was even some grumbling from the Gold bench by this point.
This time, right after the drop of the puck Roman Kurin would take the faceoff and make a very slick dash into the zone, past the D and roofed one by OEJ for a breakaway goal, now putting the Cads up by a gaudy score of 6-1 and that just put Gash over the edge.
He wouldn't get up at all. He just sat there, pulling the whole "woe is me" routine. On and on with the whole helmet off, zebras frustrated, Gold bench frustrated scene. From the Red bench it was pretty bizarre.
Gash had signaled to the bench and Kilroy that he was all done. Kilroy comes off the bench and says "If you aren't going to play then get off the ice, we'll skate without you." So off he goes... to the locker room, with six minutes left in the game.
Now Mike's story is that he got his head knocked and he just couldn't continue. Only problem with that is that it happened a period and a half before he left the game. Funny how the 6th goal made his head hurt that much more, isn't it.
Now... before I get carried away, let me make something very clear. Head injuries are no joke. As we have all seen from DJ's unfortunate situation, it can be very serious. Mike, if you were really hurt, I take everything I've typed (and am about to type) back, and offer you my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
But see... I'm not buying it.
I think the only thing you hurt, was your ego... and to leave the game, to walk out on your teammates just because you were having a bad night, is inexcusable. Its being the worst kind of teammate you could be.
"Take me out coach, I don't want to ruin my GAA..." I've got news for you dude... this ain't the NHL, and you ain't Patrick Roy. Take it from a guy who is no stranger to a -8 or 9 night, ok? I've had a handful of them lately, but I've never left the ice, gone home or feigned injury to get off the ice. That would be selfish, petty and weak. I could go on... really but I wont, yet.
The Gold played out the last 6 minutes of the game with 6 skaters on the ice, and really played pretty well. With full rosters these teams should have played a pretty competitive game.
That was how things ended, with minor scuffles (filled with laughter) up and down the ice, Kilroy and Underhill, Pearlman and Fosdick, Larry and everyone wearing Red, Fosdick hanging on iJosh's back as he stood in the crease. It was good fun, hopefully next time we'll have a better all around game... and maybe a little less drama.
In that vein....
Game Stars.

2nd Star: Brian Carey. Cuz I feel like giving it to him. Some nice stops and his second 1 goal game in a row. Great work Brian.
1st Star: DWH. Mr. Hat-trick with the wicked wristahs. When Dan showed up, things went really well for the Red. He played great on both ends shoring up the defense and giving a major boost on offense. Nice work.
Honorable mention 1: Jim Sullivan for a pair of helpers and solid play all night.
Honorable Mention 2: The Goldenberg Family! In particular Jenn for bringing along superfans Robyn and Max! Robyn could be heard all night hollering for the guys in gold.
A delightful child with terrific taste in players (she said she liked #10 the last time she came to a game) she was the vocal equivalent to a full section of BU fans rooting on the home squad. Sorry that Daddy's team didn't win... and that we didn't have any Root Beer for you in the parking lot... but we appreciate the support.
This brings us to the final award for the evening. We have a slight variation on an old favorite. This week our furry friend the Raccoon of Shame has a new home, and possibly a new name as well.