Next Game: Schlitz (3);(1-0) vs Tigers (1)(1-0)
Monday April 21st
Canton 9:10pm
The Golden Schlitz will try to do something we haven't done in a season and a half... beat the Tigers. Get your availability in to Kilroy right now as there will certainly be some small amount of shuffling going on. Scenario 1: A loss here by the Beercans means an elimination game Schlidaveur on Thursday night, with the winner getting another crack at the Tigers.
Scenario 2: A victory here sends the Tigers to meet the Zombies on Thursday night with the possiblity (if the Cadavers can win) of a Championship Game Schlidaveur (CGS) (cue the chorus... and the lights... ok that's good) the next Monday night 4/28.
One of the teams will play that night, hopefully both.
Scenario 2: A victory here sends the Tigers to meet the Zombies on Thursday night with the possiblity (if the Cadavers can win) of a Championship Game Schlidaveur (CGS) (cue the chorus... and the lights... ok that's good) the next Monday night 4/28.
One of the teams will play that night, hopefully both.

Thursday April 24th
Brockton 10:10 pm
The Cadavers have advanced in the losers bracket courtesy of last night's win over the Freeze and will face whomever loses on Monday. If its the Tigers a win forces the CGS the next Monday. If its the Schlitz than its an elimination game with the winner getting the Tigers again.

Monday April 28th
Canton 9;10 pm
This game could actually be the first of two depending on if whichever team comes in 2-1 wins against the 2-0 team. The date of that possible game has not been decided. Someone (hopefully both teams) is going to play on this night. We can only hope for the coveted and sacred CGS...
One last thing. Say the Schlitz beat the Tigers Monday. Then say the Cads beat the Tigers Thursday, and then in the CGS, the Cads win Monday, making both teams 2-1.
One last thing. Say the Schlitz beat the Tigers Monday. Then say the Cads beat the Tigers Thursday, and then in the CGS, the Cads win Monday, making both teams 2-1.
That would force a third and Penultimate CGS!!!! We would meet 3 total times to decide the division. That would be the ultimate, but there are about 1 million coningencies on it working out like that so the Blogger is going to try not to work himself into a lather thinking about it....
Remember. Get in touch with Kilroy about your availabilty for ALL POSSIBLE REMAINING GAMES. Go ahead... do it now. Go on...
The blogger regrets that he will be out of town all of next week but he eagerly awaits email information about how both games go. Photographic evidence earns extra credit...
'Til next time..
Go Zombies.
Go Suds.
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