Dallas vs. Green Bay
Thursday November 29th
Hingham C 10:20pm
Dallas 37
Green Bay 27 err....
Zombies 6-0 Win!
A cold late night in Hingham was just right for the Flying Zombies as they came away with a tremendous showing against a half-hearted Windsuckers club that probably should have just stayed home. Kudos to all the guys that showed and played on a frigid night. They even stayed for 4th period... hearty souls that they are. The Blogger knows this...because even though he didn't skate... he did stop by for a quick game update and a c-c-c-cold one with the 'boys.
The blogger had spent the earlier part of the evening at The Four's in Quincy with his old buddy Malcom watching the Dallas - Green Bay game and swilling tasty pints of ale.... so really he remembers more about the football game than anything that might have been said to him in the parking lot after the hockey game. (lets be honest it was a miracle he could put two sentences together at that point). There were notes take at this point... copious notes, knowing that the memory factor wouln't help much. Those notes are displayed here and if anyone else can figure out what they mean... just drop me an email or call or something.
What it boils down to is this.
These guys skated.
Capraro, Campbell, Elliott, C.Fosdick, Hammit, James, Pearlman, Kurin, Nikhamik, and Wennik. From what I remember 3 guys had 2 goals each.
Pete Capraro, Chris Fosdick, and Roman Kurin.
I have no record of any assists, or penalties.
This is a play along at home blog entry.
If you got an assist (or a penalty) during this game email me. Otherwise the only stats recorded for the game are the 6 goals.
To the left is a photo of the blogger's notes from that night. Anyone who can read them... please tell me what they say.
Overheard in the parking lot 1: "You need a warning label, like on the gas caps...Do not top off!"
Overheard in the parking lot 2: "Science fiction...you mean like Alien sex scenes...?"
Here is my transcription of the blogger's notes:
Raman 2 uL (microliters) eCam
chug 2
Espinoza 23
making 1 aftershock
android image
bust the hymans
o-o (this is possibly a crude representation of breasts)
into grog
queasy groping
This may be the best Schlidaveur blog comment
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