There is clearly some dispute over the handling of the "if we win we're going to take your game" deal that was presented before the last game. Before this spark turns into a brushfire (Larry's bound to be back from Isreal soon...) Management decided to take some decisive action. Well...
Three board of directors meetings and a high powered negotiation lunch later there has been some decisions made.
Managing Partner and double franchise CEO Matt Kilroy would like to deliver this statement as the offical position of manangement on the (possible) upcoming Championship game.
"Given the fact that the Schlitz won the better seed at the last (regular season) Schlidaveur and that not everyone on the Schlitz agreed to the pre-game suggestion that this game decides the championship game roster, then it is only right that the Schlitz Roster (as it has existed this playoff run) is the team that goes to the championship game, if there is one."
There you have it. Now according to the league website this game is tentatively planned for Thursday September 20th, 7pm at Northeastern. We will keep you posted on any correspondance from the leauge, or if the situation changes at all.
The blogger is interested in your feedback. Post here in the comments section, or if the public forum is not your thing, email Matt and Jeff with your thoughts. All opinions will be considered.
Thats all for now. I'll do playoff and end of season stats once we have completed the final game and/or been notified that there will be no final game.
Before they choked, the Schlitz had no choice but to accept it. Anyone of the sakters on that team that says they wouldn't have, or didn't accept the offer is lying (or they are a spinelss pansy).
I believe it was Manning who called ME a sore loser, when I told them to shut the F&^% up before we spanked 'em in the last game. NOW, I'm a sore winner, because we (the CADs) were playing for something (the Championship berth) and we won it, FAIRLY, and now the whining little bitches want to reneg on the deal.
I'm angry again.
Here endeth the comment.
Just to back Campbell up... isn't there something to be said for winning that playoff game? The bet/deal was so out of line? That game was pretty even match...
...but I can see its not fair to the other roster not getting to skate 3 games.
I propose everyone votes on the 13 men roster that will give us the best chance to win the championship game if there is one. Anonymously of course. This game is extra anyways, no one should be upset if they miss it at the expense of helping the TEAM to win. That is my hope anyways.
No Bullshit and Not fair.
Here beginneth my comment, or ruling, or opinion...
The last regular season Schlidaveur did mean something, it meant that the winner would get the better seed (play the easier teams, get a by) and have a shot at the championship game. That WAS the whole idea behind the last regular season Schlidaveur. The playoff Cad Roster lost that game. They then lost their the 1st two playoff games. They were out of the running for the Championship game. They were done. Changing the meaning of the playoff Schlidaveur not only negated what was won during the last regular season Schlidaveur but it was dubiously suggested (by the Cads) in the moments before the game when the Cads had nothing to lose and only to gain. Beyond that (and most importantly) not everyone on the Schlitz agreed to it (even the blog indicated that..."This was agreed to (not that there was approval asked for)..." AND neither Larry nor Chris were even present to weigh in. If one person didn't agree then it isn't a bet. I am all for ratcheting up the intensity of the Schlidaveur, but do it fairly. AND beyond that, everyone pays the same amount, the Cads played 3 playoff games and if there is a Championship game the Schlitz will play 3. The Schlitz will play a third game they WON the right to play by winning the reg season Schlidaveur AND their 1st playoff game. In no way was there an official bet, it was a "deal" suggested by the losers (and not fully agreed to) to try to swipe the championship game.
The Schlitz skating in the potential championship game is so clearly the right thing to do, that I'm somewhat confused that there is an issue....in fact is this an issue or is this just blog fuckin' around blog talk?....
Well either way, I feel I have a responsibility to make sure the games are fairly dispersed the rosters are fairly distributed and that everyone gets the fair amount of hockey for their buck. AND there may not even be a Championship.
It was a great game. That's what should matter. But if you are on the Cad side of this and you just couldn't live without one more D level hockey game this summer...before the winter D level hockey starts...then I will rent ice and you can play with yourselves.
Rock on, Skate hard, Deep breaths, it is the right thing.
Way more time than I should have spent on this.
Goodnight everyone.
Regardless of who is going to play or not play, I totally back Matt up in saying that the last game was a 'great game'and that truly is what matters...and that comes from someone on the losing side of things. That game was played with hard skating, and great intensity. That was one of the best games I've been involved in over the last 4 summer/winter seasons. Its awesome that we can play each other so evenly, and I might add aggressively...and be able to congratulate as well as rag on each other afterwards in the 4th period and have a few brews as friends. I hated losing of course.
In the clarity that often comes with first rays of the morning sun I wish to ammend my above statement. I retract any idea that it was a ruling. It was an opinion. Much danger lurks in thinking there is but one answer for any question. I am off for the next week, so using one of my favorite quotes "My name is Paul and that's between y'all" now. If you do vote on anything I would suggest that an email be sent as well to cover those that might have missed this blog debate.
Whoever skates, skate hard, short shifts, drink well.
It's a 7 O'Clock game, I think you stack the roster to win, we're all in the same boat. All should show and enjoy the after party. I congratulate the winners the other day, it was a good hard fought game and we lost. I don't remember a deal, just that Jeff walked in and said that if they won, they played the championship. If that's how it works, I'll show up in the stands and warm the grill. Just stop the bitchin'. We're all friends, put names in a hat, have another draft, go drink a beer at lunch and figure it out (Harvard condones such behavior), I won't complain either way.
I had a beer at lunch.
I feel better now.
In fact, if there's a game, I'll be there either way, on the ice with my Schlitz jersey on, or in the stands, cawked, with my Schlitz jersey on and one in my hand...
As a matter of fact, maybe
I'd prefer to be in the stands, now that I think about it.... Hmmmm...
Just to make a point, That bet was the best part of that game and the Schlitz were fine with it until they lost...they seemed very sure they would win...The cads did not complain when they had to go into the playoffs in the low seed and unfortunately the bye was a consequence winning the higher seed...I really do hope the Schlitz do get to play, and they did win the higher spot in the first place, and for that reason I agree with managements decision. But they shouldn't go back on the bet because the cads won fair and square and had it been the other way around they would feel the same as the cads right now...
You can only speak for people who were aware of the bet. And, as far as I know not eveyrone (both teams) knew about it.
Next time such bets and decisions are made, please tell the rest of the teams. And better yet, find out how they feel about it.
I think everyone there that night knew about the bet...and it was in good fun like schlidaveurs games are...we don't go back and change the winner of those games if we don't like the outcomes however
I never heard anyone ask the question about the playoff game. Who agreed to this on Schlitz???
I didn't know about the bet.
I didn't know anything about the bet either, but I dont think its the main point here. My point is that we should do everything possible to win this championship game if we are in it. There are a lot of people on this team that missed a lot of games so I dont think the argument that "shlitz played one less game" is a strong one.
First I heard about the 'bet' was after the game in the dressing room.
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