Friday June 22
Bavis Arena 8:10pm
Schlitz 10 Cadavers 1
Woah. Alright. I knew the Suds were desperate for a win but...uh... this was ridiculous. Sounds like there was a little roster shifting just before gametime that the management has been taking a little heat on but we won't be having any of that. Many Suds were late in arriving and before you knew it there was a bit of a mis-match brewing. Sometimes things like this happen, given the number of these games that have come out as a tie we were probably due for one of these anyway.
In general the game sounded like a decent affair with the exception of the scoreboard. Good job to everyone who showed and played. Tough night for some....good night for others. Lets talk about some numbers. They tend to get crazy on nights like this....
Veteran Chris Fosdick had a great night with 6 points. Newby Matt Elliot was almost as good putting up 5 points. Larry Bell was not far behind with 4. Mike Gash obviously continued his strong work only giving up 1 and didn't have any problem with his scoring support.
Some other events of note during the game were sent in by the blogdom. The first concerned a Campbell - Pearlman Sandwich...with Mad Matt as the meat.
Here's one first hand account: " Kilroy was skating around like a man possessed, like a rabid raccoon on skates. So Mike gets him in the corner pinned against the boards with the puck... Kilroy squirming and grinding trying to get away from Campbell...but can't....meanwhile I'm watching the front of the net in case he gets loose....he's not getting loose from Campbell so I skate over, Campbell see's me coming and we SANDWICH Kilroy against the boards. I almost got away with it when the ref put up his arm and told Campbell he was going off...when I hear Campbell yelling at the ref 'WHAT??? You gotta take Pearlman too!!!' so he did and we both went to the box. Ref comes over to the box and says 'you guys are gonna have to earn this shutout'. About 40 seconds later they score."
Nice recap. Can you imagine being stuffed by Pearlman AND Campbell. I shudder to think. Other accounts described a blanket of yellow that came together and removed the Red Zombie (Mad Matt) from sight.
Another incident also involved Campbell (no surprise) and went like this:
"During a battle for the puck in front of one-eyed Jack (OEJ), typically mild mannered DJ got popped by OEJ's waffle and was sent sprawling. Matters were worsened when Campbell fell on her. For a split second, I thought she was going to come up swinging. She was steamin'!"
I bet she was. I'd be steaming (or wheezing) if Campbell fell on me too....
Now that we have that stuff out of the way lets get to the real story behind Schlidaveur #2. Of course the story takes place on the hallowed ground of the parking lot....like so many of our memorable moments. The story of the game was the food brought by rising star Miran James. Here is how the blogdom described the scene:

"The fourth period was visited by the Korean cooking Gods..."
"One word, Blogger-friend o' mine. SUSHI! We've reached a new level. Do you believe we had friggin sushi in the parking lot? It was almost embarassing. The Schlidaveurs events are becoming epic. SUSHI! AND CRAB RANGOON!...AND SPRING ROLLS!"
In the bloggers humble opinion this is just about as good as it gets. Miran is quickly earning the love and respect of Schlidaveurs everywhere with her consistent first-rate culinary contributions. We raise a glass (or bottle) to you Miran. You are welcome with us anytime...even if we kick Greg off the team.
Lets do game stars....
3rd Star: Matt Elliott. *UPDATE* Matt had a different tally on points so it is officially now 2 Goals and 3 Assists for 5 on the night. Nice job...we'll be expecting more from you from now on son....
2nd Star: Chris Fosdick. 2 Goals and 4 Assists for a gaudy 6 point night. Great job...guess you weren't too tired out from your honeymoon...

Honorable Mention 1: "Doctor" Scott Pounds for a goal and an assist.
Honorable Mention 2: "Doctor" Michael Jasse also for 1 goal and a pair of helpers.
Some pics from the glory of the fourth period....
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