Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The team has needs.

Ok Team. This is a formal request. The bag of pucks I traded for the new guy Greg James is coming back to bite me in the ass. Much like the Bronson Arroyo deal...the club is suffering from my shortsightedness as GM. So...

We need pucks. I have two puck carriers...but barely enough for one bag. So check around the garage...bottom of your bag...trunk of your car...whatever. Try to bring some pucks to the next game.

Also....who has the other set of water bottles? Let me know if you see me this week...otherwise send an email.

Oh Yes....and a Beerman for tonight....and tomorrow night. Volunteers should email me.


Anonymous said...

I think I have a bag of pucks somewhere I will look... :-)

Michael said...

If you dont have pucks let me know, I will get some