Thursday February 21
Brockton 9:00pm
5-2 Win!
One thing is for sure, we are like old Patriots. Win, lose or bizarre event you just had to tune in because you literally never knew what would happen or how the game would go down. Last night was a goodie. The Blogger shows to the rink a few minutes late and is greeted with rumbles and mumbles about where the F*@%^ng goalie is... Hmm. No OEJ and its less than 15 minutes to game time. A quick trip back out to the car for my cellphone and a confirmation with the home office that Mike was "In" for tonight... then a message to OEJ himself. No luck. No answer. So as I'm closing my phone..... doesn't our friend Lizzy DeFlurin come walking across the entry way to the rink.
It just so happens that our pal Liz is here scoring the game tonight. To which I say "Do you want to play? I mean can you play...please!" She says yes and calls up a friend who lives just a few minutes away to have her stuff brought down.
Now we are closing in on game time here so time is short. The Zebras (whom Liz had been chatting with the whole time) start the clock for the first period and let her (and the team) know that if she isn't ready (or some goalie for us) at the end of the (run-time) first period than the Schlitz forfeit the game. But if she CAN get ready before the period is up... we play a regular game from the time she's ready. The Schlitz will have to start with a Delay of Game penalty... but really. Who cares?
So the guys are skating around a bit Larry scores one or two while the stats don't count but we are getting some skating in and Lizzy's stuff shows up in no time and she's changing in the lobby.
Wouldn't you know it. With 1 minute and 22 seconds remaining in the first Lizzy is set to go and the refs blow the whistles while stepping on the ice and start the game.

So there you have it.The game was off and running and the play went back and forth quite a bit while the two teams kind of felt each other out as the new game began. In fact we played the entire second period scoreless, but not without many many opportunities in the General's end.
The Beercans had 13 total that broke down like this.
O line 1: Larry, Dr.Jasse, and Chris Fosdick
O line 2: Nelson, Dr.Pounds, and Matt Elliott.
O line 3: Gregson, Hammitt, and Pearlman
This group would go on to be known as the "Plummer Line" due to the fact that Hammitt and Gregson's pants are usually riding so low you can see the... well you know what I mean. Another name I liked for this group was the "Battle Ship Line". Pearlman's kid was quoted as saying "When you guys came out together the other team looked like a bunch of midgets."
D line 1: George and Marc Valenti
D line 2: Mike Daley and Jeff Fosdick
The Generals struck first about a minute into the third period. This after we had done a good job creating consistent pressure in their zone. Definitely not Lizzy's fault as we left her a bit out to dry without getting back. Not to worry as about a minute and a half later Marc Valenti let go a laser for the Gold's first tally. Credit hard working forwards Chris and Larry for the helpers.
The Beercan's held the play pretty well at this point and the Generals were starting to ice the puck.
At the 12 minute mark the group of Nelson, Scott and Matt Elliot cycled the puck around the zone resulting in a rebound goal. The play had been started by Scott grinding the puck from the side boards over to Matt for a good shot that gave Nelson the rebound bid... which he tucked away nicely. Good work from that line.
The play continued with the Dead continuing to get chances here and there so the game was a tight 2-1 until Dr. Jasse made the rounds with 2 minutes and change remaining.
Let's listen in to Mike telling a teammate about the goal...
"I scored the eventual game winner by adhering to Andy Brickley's mantra of sometimes you just have to throw it at the net and good things happen. I was along the goal line and previously tried a number of fancy-dan passes that didn't work out so I just flung it at the goalie and approximately 16 bounces later it fell in. Got me officially off the snake-bit club after Monday's highway robbery."
Well put Doc. Good goal.
The Generals weren't finished. A with a minute to go they took a faceoff right down the ice into a breakaway and scored to make it a one goal game again.
The Generals even pulled their keeper as time wound down but to no avail. Jeff Fosdick fed Nelson in their end for the dagger, an empty net goal with about 20 seconds on the clock.
Believe it or not, not enough strange things had happened yet, because after the ensuing face off the Generals just stood there as Matt Elliot took a pass from Nelson and scored with 7 ticks left on the clock. I suppose you can chalk that one up to "defensive indifference". But hey, it all looks good on the scoresheet.
Ok. Let's hand out some pats on the back.
Honorable Mention 1: Jasse for the "Ricochet Rabbit" game winner.
Honorable Mention 2: The Plummer Line. This has to make a return. It just has to. Also I think we can come up with a better name than that... whatever you guys like, we'll go with that....after all, who's going to argue?
3rd Star: Mike Daley. I don't think he made the scoresheet but the dude was all over the place all night. If he wasn't making offensive chances, he was bailing us out in our end. Great work as always Mike.
2nd Star: Nelson Sharfman. The Greybeard just keeps on truckin'. How about 2 goals and a helper? Ok. No problem. When #14 checks into the game, you better be ready to work. Good job Nelson, Larry's still within reach for the scoring title.
1st Star: Ok... to borrow a phrase. "...do I have to say Her Name?" I shouldn't have to. You know her, you've missed her, and last night we couldn't bleeping live without her...
Some great work from a great teammate. Not only does she jump on the horn and get her stuff brought down to the rink, but she changes in no time at all and then proceeds to make a bunch of nice stops backstopping our way to a good solid win. This was a game that was 1 goal difference nearly the whole way.
Way to go Liz. Nice to have you back.
As for that other goalie... a certain someone might be getting a visit from our furry friend... very soon.